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  1. RobbieP

    help me find out what these are

    anyone know what these are , found them in my run off trays in some water not sure if they have come through with the run off or if they have made there way out from the medium .... Its coco in 6lt air pots ... this is a pic of what was in the run off ... im thinking gnats or thripes but...
  2. RobbieP

    Cant view PMS

    i cant view my pms , i just get a white page with loads of html code on it instead of my PM folder !?!?!?!
  3. RobbieP

    R.I.P Pat Butcher

    Just watched Pat Butcher die on TV ... R.I.P i wonder which fat old bag will take her place ! lmao
  4. RobbieP

    can someone please offer some help AGAIN

    just checked on the ladies , im getting PH problems AGAIN ! iv stopped using tap water and im now using bottled water with the following info ... PH down to 5.8 - 6.0 once nutes are added .... cant stop this damage!!! PH meter is correctly calibrated , growing in coco with hesi nutes ...
  5. RobbieP

    can someone please offer some help

    Hi can someone or a few of you guys n girls on here try n help me out ... been struggling for a while with this defficiency and i cant figure it out ... its affecting plants in veg and flower plants are all in coco , ph of feed/water is 5.9 - 6.0 , coco run off is 5.7- 6.0. using hesi coco...
  6. RobbieP

    My Lazy Arsed Grow Journal

    Hi all , well its about time i got my finger out my arse and started a journal so here goes ... current grow is 2 x psycosis and 1 x Greenhouse seeds Exodus cheese. Using a small tent 60cm x 90cm x 100cm and a 250w HPS with a cool tube. Temps are sitting around 25 degrees got a small...
  7. RobbieP

    posting mobile phone pics

    anyone here worry about posting pics using a mobile ? just been reading about the pictures having gps tracking codes embedded or something along those lines , just interested in peoples views on this and if you do post pics from a mobile do you take any measures to delte these codes?
  8. RobbieP

    droopy plant

    afternoon all .. got a slight problem lol .... yesterday i flushed my biggest plant its about 7 week into flower and had yellow dots forming on the leaves , i flushed it yesterday so today i could correct the nute prob . when i got up this morning all 4 main stems on the plant had bent over...
  9. RobbieP

    Quick Vent Question

    Hi everyone , need some input please ... :) Right well i currently have a stealth cabinet setup. ive recently upgraded from a 250w HPS in a cool tube to a 400w HPS in a cool tube ... its set up in the following way . Filter > Fan > Cool Tube > Ducting out cabinet I also have a 5inch PC fan...
  10. RobbieP

    Question about Wardrobe and Sog

    Hi all .. Well 1st off let me just say im not a complete newbie lol , ive done 5 grows previously but im after some advice as im wanting to change up my grows. Right well at the minute im growing in a homemade stealth wardrobe , its not very big ! Width - 1.2m Depth - 0.7m Hight - 1.6m ive...
  11. RobbieP

    Can Someone Help Me Please

    well i grow this plant from seed and its about 4 - 5 week old , it has been growing fine until about 3 days ago when i noticed it going yellow , it was in a small pot so i repotted it but the yellowingis getting worse ... any idea what is causing this and how to fix it ?? The Plant is Seedsman...
  12. RobbieP

    Help Needed with Stealth Wardrobe Design and Build

    Hi everyone , well abit about me ... ive done 3 grows previously , not very professional at all , just a spare room with some black and white thrown up and a 250 HPS light , got decent yields off the crops and was happy with the results (im not a cash cropper , just growing for personnal use...
  13. RobbieP

    Hi to the community

    just thought id say hi! joined here awhile back but spent most the time lurking and reading as much as i can :) ive done 3 grows previously with great results (only little cheap attempts in my spare room though) lol ive recently bought a big wardrobe and im hoping to convert it into a...
  14. RobbieP

    Help Needed ASAP!

    Hi all , ive been a lurker on here for a while but ive just hit my 1st major problem and need some advice ! I have 10 cuttings all rooted well in jiffys , they are currently in a propergator under 2 strip lights. 2 days ago they where growing fine , last night i got back from work and because...