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  1. L

    Fan and ac to dc adapter

    hey all, im using a computer fan to cool things down but the one I currently have wont be able to move enough air in the summer to keep things comfy so i was wondering if i could use this fan with my old 12v ac to dc adapter? appreciate any advice. ive included the links to the stuff i have in...
  2. L

    Electrical Advice Needed

    Hey all, got a bit of a problem with heat and to get temps down I had to buy a larger output fan and im wondering if the new fan i bought will work with my old adapter? Anyone with more knowledge know if these two items will work together or do i need a new adapter also?
  3. L

    Friend with roomate on house arrest

    I have a friend (homeowner) who has a roomate that is going on house arrest for his second DWI. The roomate's probation/parole, whatever, officer is coming over to take a look around the house. The person who owns the house, who is not on house arrest, has 1 plant going in his bedroom closet...