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  1. Gold medal bong hits

    So Is Anyone Going To Sxsw This Year?

    Sure many of you have heard of it. If not is the website. :leaf::leaf::leaf: Wu Tang and The Stroke's are playing free shows. So are many other great music acts.Plus all of the after parties and what not. Should be pretty epic this year just like every other year I have...
  2. Gold medal bong hits

    Amazing look into other creatures work.

    This video I thought was just amazing. I felt it showed how alike we are with all the creatures on earth.Which are able to design structures . The work these ant's did was just insane.
  3. Gold medal bong hits

    A pretty instresting article about mdma It's a 8 page article about mdma from Oprah. Last person i would think to show the benefits of mdma. Anyway hope you guys enjoy it. It may be long read but is a good one. Maybe now instead of getting mmj cards...
  4. Gold medal bong hits

    I feel sorry for those of you that live in ny I thought where i lived is bad. Guess i was wrong new york is way worse
  5. Gold medal bong hits

    Does any one have a Magic Flight Launch Box

    People on reddit swear by it. Was wondering if any rollitupers have one.
  6. Gold medal bong hits

    Need some advice

    So yeah my mom has a lot of medical problems. Some days she wont even get out of bed just because she is in a lot of pain. I don't like seeing this at all. I know if she would just toke it up should would fell a lot better. I wanna introduce to pot but i am not sure as how to do this. Has anyone...
  7. Gold medal bong hits

    Howdy from a texan newb

    Hows it going fellow tokers:joint:. Long time lurker thought i should stop that and start posting for once.To my fellow texans hope to see some of you at marley fest this year. P.S. I had to type howdy. Most people probally think we all think we wear cowboy hats and ride horse =P:peace: