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  1. S

    PLEASE HELP! unkown problem first grow.

    OK so the leaves on the bottom are turning yellowish and are drooping.. The pot that it is in is poretty deep so im wondering if they arent getting enought sunlight?? outdoor grow, about month and a week old. please help! thank you!:-(
  2. S

    My Very First Grow. Outdoors. Coaching is appreciated

    like i said this is my first time ever growing. I was told i bought a feminized seeds, but i dont know how far u can trust a drug dealer. It sprouted, however 2 of the 4 leaves are partially brown. I'm not sure why. I have Miracly Grow with 3 month time release nutes however the plant is not in...
  3. S

    Is It Chill To Buy Seeds From Nirvana?

    I mean it sounds pretty damn sketchy buying weed seeds on the internet with a credit card, mostly because marijuana is ILLEGAL?! so how does it work with out it being illegal? also they say they are discreet, well how dicreet are they. I'm still in highschool and yes I live with my parents so I...
  4. S

    How to Tell the Difference Between Male and Female

    Can anybody answer that^^^? i bought a seed of somebody but they already germinated it and planted it, however it hasnt sprouted yet. im a little worried because i dont even know if theres a seed in there. also he says it "germinated quicker than the others" so it must be female. is it true...
  5. S

    @@@Need Expert's Help! First Time!@@@

    OK this is my first time growing, so I'm going to need some help. I am growing outdoors and im doing it down my street on this big hill here nobody goes and you have to hop a fence to get to. I am not planning on using any plant food or fertilizing liquids or anything like that, I'm pretty much...