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  1. 150wHPS

    To kill? Or not to kill? That is the poll.

    okay... 3 of the 8 seeds that sprouted with group one (on 4/28 ) are very strong, a beautiful green, and showing a second leaf set already. And 3 of them look small, with these tiny leaves barely poking out of the open cotyledons, and possibly like they might end up being runts. The other 2 from...
  2. 150wHPS

    400w HPS Closet Grow (Purple Jems, Himalaya Blue Diesel, and Auto Great White Shark)

    Hey RIU and my fellow auto growers! I just received my order from the attitude, and am doing a test run to decide which strain I would like to work with. This is my first grow, and my first grow journal, so any help is appreciated. I am currently germinating: 4x PJ 2x HBD 2x GWS my equipment...
  3. 150wHPS

    ventilation, circulation, cooling, and carbon filtration design. NEED HELP +rep

    okay, I'm growing in a closet. I removed both doors and put panda film with 2 tarp zip-ups to make a door. I can't really cut any holes in the sheetrock since I rent. how can I adequately vent, cool, circulate and carbon filter my closet, with minimal duct tubes showing on the outside of the...
  4. 150wHPS

    newb question

    so I'm waiting for my seeds to get here in the mail. But last night we were smoking blunts of a strain that has been being cloned by a close friend of the family for at least 10 years (first herb I ever smoked, that's my only reference). anyway the strain is "chemdog". I would really like to try...
  5. 150wHPS

    16oz cups

    can I leave my autos in these until they sex? Or will they be too big by that time? And will I have stunted the roots and/or growth of the plants?
  6. 150wHPS

    biggest problem you never expected.

    when you were setting up for your first grow, did you overlook anything? what were some problems you ran into, that you didn't expect? I have my whole grow area(closet) set up very nicely IMO. My genetics are on their way from the UK. But I just want to make sure I haven't overlooked anything...
  7. 150wHPS

    auto-strains... help me decide.

    So, I just ordered; (all these seeds are automatic) 20x great white shark, 20x himalayan blue diesel, 20x purple jems, and 2x 20 packs of mixed short stuff seeds. for a total of 100 awesome seeds. Also the 5 freebies from "Attitude" The mixed short stuff packs promise to...
  8. 150wHPS

    autoflower SOG

    :joint:how would an autoflower sea of green grow differ from a photoperiod sea of green grow? is there anything specific that i should take into consideration? EDIT: im planning on cramming as many short stuff(the breeder not the strain) autoflowers as i can into the alloted footprint for...
  9. 150wHPS


    i thought i was subscribing to different threads like in the grow journals and such... i guess im not. can someone help me out?:bigjoint:
  10. 150wHPS


    what does the process of making a new strain entail? i mean, hypothetically, i want to make a new strain. i have several sets of genetics available. where do i start, and what do i do? is it as simple as crossing two strains and inbreeding for a few generations? or am i missing something?
  11. 150wHPS


    mods please delete. sorry:spew:
  12. 150wHPS

    just upgraded, have some questions. +rep

    okay, this all might be a mouthful but whatever. i havent even started my first grow yet. while i was researching, i realized that the light that i have currently (the 150wHPS that i named myself after) would not be sufficient for what i wanted to do. so i got a 400wHPS as well. im using a...
  13. 150wHPS

    exotic plants

    anyone know of any really cool looking exotic plants/flowers that i would be able to grow with my herb in my grow space? jungle plants? carnivorous plants? hawaiian flowers? stuff like that.
  14. 150wHPS

    Changing my handle.

    is there any way to change my username/handle? i dont like mine anymore seeing as i just bought a 400w HPS, and am now running 550w in my closet....... not that i want to change my name to 550wHPS or anything, but if i knew that i wasnt stuck with this name i could at least start thinking of a...
  15. 150wHPS

    pollen collection help

    I'm going to be doing a grow very soon, and I want to make sure I can get viable seeds from my genetics that I've spent ever so much money on. now I pretty much only have the space where my females will be for growing... My question is this... how would I go about keeping a male or two...
  16. 150wHPS

    attitude seed bank question

    hey everyone... i ordered some seeds a little while ago from attitude seed bank and am curious how long it should take them to get to me.... i live in new england. anyone from my area use attitude and care to share how long it took to get your seeds from the time you ordered them. if you...
  17. 150wHPS

    most life-changing psychedelic experience youve ever had

    hey everyone..... i was just sending a pm to a friend discussing hallucinogens and i felt that since i never put this into words before it might be better to share it with the world than one person.... anyway... i had about .75oz of pure organic nn-organic-DMT and was smoking it with friends...
  18. 150wHPS

    nutrient question (am i missing anything?)

    hey everyone, i just set up a 150w HPS sunsystems-II in my closet and im thinking it looks pretty good... ill get some pics of the set-up in a little bit. so heres the details of my upcoming autoflower grow... its my first one so be nice lol:peace: Lighting: 1x 150w HPS Light Cycle...
  19. 150wHPS

    selective pollination?

    okay so I'm doing my pre-grow research before starting my first closet grow... I want to do a seed run before I actually do a grow for the "herb", but that seems like a lot of work for a yield that isn't really worth smoking. from what I understand, if I were to just let my males and...
  20. 150wHPS

    150w hps questions

    hello everyone... im new to your little community as of tonight. a buddy of mine was no longer in need of his 150w hps sunsystems ballast/bulb so he told me that i could give it a try. i have done quite a bit of research on what i could potentially do with this light, but am seeming to find...