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  1. B20VTEC2010

    1 Month Old

    Here My 1 Month Old Plant I'm A First Time Growing Nd I'm Pretty Excited About It ..... What U Guys Think About It??? Hope Its A Female If Not Its Goin Straight To Tha Garbage lol :leaf:
  2. B20VTEC2010

    My 3 Week Plant Wat You Guys Think About It???

    bongsmilieHere Iz My 3 Weeks Old Plant Is It Growing Healthy nd Right like Its Suppose To Be For Being 3 Weeks??? Nd I Also Transplanted Two Other Plants But They Dieing On Me Should I Throw Them Away Or They Will Grow Again??....
  3. B20VTEC2010

    My 3 Week Plant Wat You Guys Think About It???

    Here Iz My 3 Weeks Old Plant Is It Growing Healthy nd Right like Its Suppose To Be For Being 3 Weeks??? Nd I Also Transplanted Two Other Plants But They Dieing On Me Should I Throw Them Away Or They Will Grow Again??....
  4. B20VTEC2010

    Need Some Help A.S.A.P

    Ok i havent smoked in two weeks waiting on a good good job for a drug test soo they finally called me today to do the drug test on thursday...but i smoked yesterday for easter thinking they wasnt going to call me nd i smoke atleast 6 blunt yesterday... I need some help to see how can i pass my...
  5. B20VTEC2010

    I Need Some Help!!!

    I have my 4 weeksold plant nd i dont know when i gotta turn my lights off nd for how long its gotta be off nd on??? Please help....thanks here are some pictures
  6. B20VTEC2010

    Need help???

    I have my 4 weeksold plant nd i dont know when i gotta turn my lights off nd for how long its gotta be off nd on??? Please help....thanks here are some pictures
  7. B20VTEC2010

    First time grower..need advice>????

    I been growing my plant for 3 weeks now nd i want to know if the plants are in good health being 3 weeks old>>>??? Here are some pictures.. Thank you