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  1. napps

    Nute Burn is a MYTH ! What Nute BURN !

    There's no such thing as nute burn, if the plant know it's getting to much NPor K it will just shut down. Don't be shy with the nutes, try upping your feed and see what happens ! Nothing !
  2. napps

    Counting Days !

    Just a 2 quick questions on times. I know everyone will answer differently ! 1. Do you count the days from when you switch to 12/12 or from the day when the plant starts to flower ? 2. Do you start to flush/feed the plant water at the start of the sixth week or when the trics turn 60/70%...
  3. napps

    Please ! Help ! With ! Nutes!

    Hi am new to this and it's my first crop. I have decided to go down the Canna route, only because it looks simple to feed the plants. Does anyone know of any easier nutes to use? Like one bottle for veg/flower and thats it? Its so hard choosing, just need some ideas. Avanced Nutes looks like...
  4. napps

    Can i veg in 4" pots then transplant to 10" pots for 12/12 hours

    need help on this issue. very new to the game, any help would be appreciated.