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  1. CanniMed

    Hygrozyme during first of two weeks of flushing??

    I was thinking this would help my flush be more effective if I added 8ml of Hygrozyme to my molasses and water I use to flush during the week before the last. What do you think?
  2. CanniMed

    Looking For Vegan Organic Soil Recipes

    Have been looking for a bit with no luck any ideas or recipes. Thanks:leaf:
  3. CanniMed

    Best Place to buy vegetable glycerin (food grade)?

    Looking for a half gallon or a gallon. Anyone have any advice where to look locally or online?
  4. CanniMed

    Aerating General Organics Line

    I make a gallon of nutrients at a time. I am currently aerating with an cylinder airstone. In the feeding schedule they released they said not to use airstones because it says it needs an air source with larger bubbles. Any ideas?
  5. CanniMed

    Looking For Info. On Using Cannabis Roots

    Question may have been asked before if so post link as I can't find anything. Looking for recipes. I am am also looking to learn how to make it into a paste. Thanks :leaf:
  6. CanniMed

    Post Pictures of Your nutrient reservoir for soil nutrients

    I need to compare and gain new ideas for mine. I use (2) 1 gallon resevoirs for my soil nutrients. Post regardless resevoir size. Thanks:leaf:
  7. CanniMed

    Anti-Spider Mite Enviromental Conditions?

    Maybe this question has been brought up before and if it has please post link. I am wondering what the conditions are that make spidermites hate every second of there life. For example: temperature, humidity, co2 level etc.
  8. CanniMed

    Organic Spidermite Battle

    I have noticed the signs of spidermites in my veg tent and I have applied the first treatment of neem oil. I also sprinkled Dicatemous Earth on top of the soil mostly around the base of the stalk. I applied this in order to deal with the any eggs that may be being laid at the base of the stalk...
  9. CanniMed

    Grow Tent (Intake)

    What can I put in my intake vent holes that will let in air but not let in the light? Intakes are 6"
  10. CanniMed

    Question about Co2

    How many one gallon sugar and yeast co2 generators for a 4x4 grow tent?
  11. CanniMed

    Organic Silica Supplement

    I am on the hunt for a silica supplement such as Botanicare Silica Blast that is organic. Anyone?
  12. CanniMed

    Magnetic Ballst Issues

    I am running a 1000 watt Hortilux bulb with a 1000 watt Sun System Magnetic Ballast. My ballast has always buzzed since it is a magnetic, but tonight it started doing an on and off louder buzz. This scares me a bit having seen pictures of magnetic ballasts melting down. Should I be worried...
  13. CanniMed

    Bud Mold

    Mold found and removed from two large colas on two seperate plants that are both very close to harvest. This is the only mold in the flowering room. Going to keep exhaust and intake fans on during the dark period and not just when the light is on to prevent humidity build up. The plants are...
  14. CanniMed

    Digital thermometer/hygrometer issues

    I have a sunleaves model and it is crapping out on me. It reads either blank or it has frozen numbers that won't change, but I can still use all thebuttons on the damn thing. Blank = -- Anyone experienced this before or have any ideas?
  15. CanniMed

    Darkroom 120

    Can I fit a 1000 watt HPS in this with the use of a 6" inline fan to vent the 1000 watt. I was also thinking about sticking axial fans in the intake vents. Let me know.
  16. CanniMed

    DR120W (Lighting Opinions Needed)

    I just got The Dark Room DR120W for a veg room. I put my aeroponics cloner on one side as well as a humidity dome and reservoir. I have this side lit currently with Cfls, but am most likely putting in t5s. Should I put a 400 or 600 watt MH on the other side? Since it is only lighting half of the...
  17. CanniMed

    Root Rot (Last Resort)

    I have a plant in DWC that is struggling hard. It has root rot pretty severe. If I cut away as much as possible of the root rot and then soak the remaining roots in a hydrogen peroxide solution, then replant in soil would it work or at least have some probability of working I am running out of...