Search results

  1. soupnazi

    Produce field dirt good?

    I'm short on cash and need some good healthy soil. There's a produce field near by... They grow all kinds of stuff in it. Do you think it would be good enough for the mj?
  2. soupnazi

    How to keep stems short?

    My first grow ended up in the toilet. Somehow my stems grew about 6 inches before leaves and plants just toppled over. WTF Little help here?:wall:
  3. soupnazi

    Young Plant Stems 1 week

    Young stems appear to be curving and warped instead of straight up and down. The leaves on the plants seem fine but the stems... idk
  4. soupnazi

    Stem is warped

    A few of my early plant stems have a curvature to them is this bad or fine?
  5. soupnazi

    When to Transplant?

    I planted 6 seeds and all 6 sprouted up. I wonder the odds of them all being ladies? Anywho, my sprouts are about 4 inches tall and look pretty much just like this. I'm wondering when I should move them to the outside and if there's anything I can to to ensure their transplant success.
  6. soupnazi

    Pigs & wabbits!

    I've got a pig problem and my area is also infested with rabbits... I've been told I should piss around the garden to keep them away but I'm not sure that will work plus I cant go out there peeing every day. What to do?
  7. soupnazi

    Swamp Grow

    After carefully reviewing all of my options I've finally decided on a swamp grow. Here's what I'm thinking. Any comments or suggestions are much appreciated. There are various lowland areas within a short distance that could be easily entered/exited without being seen. Two things about the...
  8. soupnazi

    Who Knows you grow pot?

  9. soupnazi

    Who Knows you grow pot?

    Be honset. Who knows you grow pot? How many friends, relatives, etc have you told?
  10. soupnazi

    Larger plant Larger yield?

    How long can you grow your plant without flowering? How big can you get the bitch?
  11. soupnazi

    Growing Sideways

    Is it possible to grow the plant sideways in an effort to utilize some "under the bed" space? You've seen the upside down tomato growers right? Why wouldnt you be able to grow it sideways?
  12. soupnazi

    How much power?

    I'm wondering how much power I'd use up for a 1 or 2 plant grow box. With lights, pump, and fans how little power I could get away with using. And is that comparable to running my PC 24/7? What I'm thinking is that if I can figure out about how much I'll use up then I can build up to that...
  13. soupnazi

    DrugWar Victims

    I found this list of just a few (40ish) of the drug war victims that have died due to police stupidity. Drug War Victims These stories have had numerous effects on me (sick, angry, sad, etc) Even non-smokers should realize that the war on drugs is getting us nowhere fast.
  14. soupnazi


    Lets say that you're growing for personal use and no one but you knows that you're growing in your home. What are some of the ways that law/drug enforcement agencies can detect that you may be growing marijuana in your home and what are some ways to get around their detection process?
  15. soupnazi

    Music from Brown Dirt's Videos

    Anyone know the name of the song/artist from Brown Dirt's Episode 2? YouTube - MARIJUANA PROHIBITION EPISODE-2 Song starts about a minute into the video.
  16. soupnazi

    Three Questions. light, fungi, C02

    First of all lets say money is no object. 1) I'm guessing that the more light I have the more plant I have so why not have 5 sided lighting? (Top, Left, Right, Back, Front w/the spaces between lights filled up with mirrors) 2)Would Mycorrhizal Fungi thrive/survive or even benefit in an...
  17. soupnazi

    A few questions

    First of all lets say money is no object. 1) I'm guessing that the more light I have the more plant I have so why not have 5 sided lighting? (Top, Left, Right, Back, Front w/the spaces between lights filled up with mirrors) 2)Would Mycorrhizal Fungi thrive/survive on my roots in a aeroponic...
  18. soupnazi

    Swamp Problem

    lets say i have 3 plants in the swamp and it floods... Crop toast or what? Lets say I attach some foam tubing around the pots to get them to float... would that work? Would i be better off building a platform for them? or maybe suspending them by tying them between some trees... any ideas...
  19. soupnazi

    Outdoor lighting questions

    I'm wondering if i can get away with indirect sunlight or if the plants need the sun directly on them most of the day... theres a small section of the growing area surrounded by trees pine/cypress and my plant/cage would be better camouflaged if it were nestled between them In the first image...
  20. soupnazi

    Newbie Outdoor Grower Cent. FLA

    Ok I have selected my best bet for a grow area. To the North is a small section of barbedwire fence which will be covered with air potato vine because north of that is a produce field. I'm hoping the fresh produce will mask the heavenly scent of my weeds. To the South is a small creek and then...