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  1. Extrusion

    Gonna start an indoor grow soon, need advice.

    Ok, i have grown before, always outdoors in the woods though but since i have recently moved to a new location with no nearby woods ill have to do it indoors from now on. My current plan is to build a 2' wide 2' deep 4' tall grow tent out of 1" PVC and panda film, i want to get a 400w HPS for...
  2. Extrusion

    Will this soil work?

    Well i told my GF to grab some ORGANIC potting soil while she was at wal-mart, but i expected too much she grabbed the wrong stuff. It is expert gardener "Perfect mix" 0.10-0.08-0.06 but not organic and it feeds for up to 9 months. It says it is good for all flowers, fruits, shrubs, etc., but...
  3. Extrusion

    Male to hermie?

    Is there a way to force a male to go hermie, my only plant this year turned out to be a dude. :(
  4. Extrusion

    This Is Crazy

    ok well i took 10 15mg DXM robotussin cough gel pill things and me and a buddy where's so awsome i can doge everything he throws at me and hit him before he relizes it (with boxing glovesd on) it feels like my mind and my body are completely in touch, my reflexes are just crazy, he...
  5. Extrusion

    oh muh gawd!

    im baked and bored so i started looking for random pics of plants and then i saw this...holy shit and thats just the hit of this shit and your gone...
  6. Extrusion

    very high quality pics of my plant (if ur on dial up dont come in...)

    she (I hope its a she) is about 2 and 1/2 weeks old and i plan to start flowering now because i dont have much room at all but anyway...on to the pics! Center of it: Entire top shot: Side shot:
  7. Extrusion

    What wattage are MH lights they use on the powerlines?

    What wattage are the MH lights that they use in the powerline lights, i got one from a friend who works at the power company but it is slightly old and the wattage numbers are worn off Thanks for the help
  8. Extrusion

    Whats the diff?

    Anytime i get some weed and get all the seeds out i find a mix of brown and white ones, a friend of mine told me the white ones where male and brown where female...i got a gut feeling he was talking through his asshole though.
  9. Extrusion

    Yellowing of the embryotic leaves

    The embryotic leaves on my new plant are starting to turn yellow, but the bigger, jagged leaves look fine, i was just wondering if this is normal?
  10. Extrusion

    Crazy, crazy thought.

    While sitting back and enjoying a nice J, i watched TV and enjoyed my high, many thoughts raced through my mind...then it hit me... What would happen if you smoked the roots of a marijuana plant??? yes, it's a crazy thought indeed, but has anyone really tried it?
  11. Extrusion

    First closet grow under CFLs

    Alright im going to start a journal of my grow, first a few words and pics. Light setup: 2 26watt CFL's + 2 15 watt ones, plus an empty socket, will soon remove two 15watt ones and replace with 2 26watt ones. My babies: What i keep em in: ---JOURNAL--- October 17 - THEY...
  12. Extrusion

    Which should i do?

    Ok i only have two CFL's rigged up atm, not much light, should i do 18/6 or constant light?
  13. Extrusion

    CFL two 26 watts (Equivilant to 210watts)

    I got 2 CFLs both 26 watts and it says equivilant too 210 watts (105 watts each) Will these be enough to grow plants indoors? Ive got them in a 20 gallon fishtank with tin foil wraped everywhere on the inside and black plastic on the outside To keep the light from going in. The foil reflects...
  14. Extrusion

    First marijuana plants (Or are they?!)

    Well, ive been an avid smoker of pot since i was 14 and i never really thought about growing it, normally i toss the seeds, but a few weeks ago i got some really fire shit and i decided to keep the seeds and give a go at growing some. I put 2 seeds in a pot, added some water and left it outside...