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  1. M

    I Have A Female!!!!!!

    I changed the lighting on my 2 3 month old plants 4 days ago and today i am in chcking on thm and watering them talking to them blahblahblah, i start looking real close to the shortr of the 2 (by 1/2 in) and low and behold it has started to produce hairs in some spots whil the other plant looks...
  2. M

    Started over...

    Well I planted 10 seeds on the 18th and only 5 servived. But at least 2 of them are growing perfectly, while the others are slightly deformed, it will correct itself I am hoping. I have no pictures right now but as soon as I get my digi back from my sister I will post pics.
  3. M

    I have a seedling....

    its out and soaking up the light I dont know how many days old at this point. But I am hoping it fairs well and grows as big as shorty and roberta were....:cry: anyways just an update on my new plant....
  4. M

    I hate snow!!!

    the weather here has been so fing screwy it was 30 2 days agao and all the snoww was finaaly melted then today its 4 degrees and fking snowing again we are supposed to have 5 inches again. I hate it and to top it all off I have been sick as fck. GRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!:evil: My dealer wont come out in...
  5. M

    I need info.....

    I need to know a US friendly seed bank that sells lowryder or other other autoflowering strains. They must be safe and reliable. any help would be appreciated.
  6. M

    quick question???

    This has been talked about before but I am curious about the best type of auto flowering plants? I know you cant clone and once they are done thats it. but I would still like to know which ones are good? I may purchase some seeds when I do decide to start some good seeds. just wondering.
  7. M

    One of my seeds had poped:)

    I am so excited after my first disapointing try at growing ( i had to kill my babies :( ) I am going to try this again I only have 2 seeds and I am not pickie about sex I am just doing this for personal use so I am planting the one that sprouted in a little bit wish me luck..... I will be grwing...
  8. M

    I Need Weed!!!!

    :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry: I cant find any anywhere!!!! This sucks ass, If only I hadnt had to kill my babies!!!!!!! Oh how sad I am.......
  9. M

    Hello again

    well I am not new to this site but I have been gone for a while. last time i was on i had been growing my ladies for 3 months and I had to kill them, it was the sadest moment of the whole year. they were beautiful 2 and a half feet tall and yummy smelling.... any how I have decided to start a...
  10. M


    ok so my plant is like a month old in african vilot soil, and last night i went to water it and lowe and behold there is another seedling in the pot with it no one else has planted anything in with it so where the F#@K did it come from??? has this ever happened to anyone else?
  11. M

    Help!!!!! Shorty Fell Over!!!!

    I think she may have root rot I have no camera because I am moving, so this is terrible!!!! I was going to repot it anyhow once we got into our new home, but I am not sure what to do, I just checked on them and Roberta is looking gorgoius but shorty seems so tiny compared to it. anyhow there was...
  12. M

    they smell yummy........

    So last night I was checking on Shorty and Roberta and they smell nice and skunky, yummy, yummy, yummy....... how nice 28 days and 25 days........:hump::hump::hump::hump:
  13. M


    Ok so I dont know the terminoligy but I gave my plants nutw burn, my younger plant 24 days old lost 2 leaves. the very first set that comes in right after the clover looking leaves? I had to cut them off roberta they were soo bad that they were crumbling. the first set of tru leafs have dark...
  14. M

    did the plant food burn my plants?

    :confused:friday i bought some shultz plant food plus, and a few days ago i noticed that one had dark brown spots and the leafs were drying out(now they both have the spots). i barley watered them before this so was it the plant food? what else could this be? or am I way off?
  15. M

    is his normal??

    Ok so I have 2 plants they are 21 days from seed and 19 days from seed give or take a day or 2 for both. any way the question is this and I have no pictures, my computer is running 98se and wont upload the photos, they each have 3 sets of true leafs, the first 2 are fat( wide) whatever u call...
  16. M

    just an update.

    well I got my supplies, went to lowes. got 2 metal shop light and some 23w CFLs. set up in my closet, with the fan right above them so they get all the fresh air they need. in order to get all the light they could want i set up some alumium foil on the walls and doors. I dont have a camera so I...
  17. M

    General questions....

    I know it has been asked but I cant find the thread. So here comes the question, My plant is 15 days old its about 5" tall and very slender ( straightend a paper clip and tied it to it) when I get my new lighting will that help get the stem to thicken up or will it always be this skiny? my other...
  18. M

    my poor babies!!!

    they are streching for light, can I just use atother 60 watt light in the closet with them till I can get a few CFLs. they are getting too tall.i already had to use a paper clip to help one from falling over, one it has stresched another half inch since last night. what should I do?:confused:
  19. M

    clover leaf question?

    I kno that this question has probably been asked but I am going to make sure I understand 100% the very first leafs the ones that look like they belong on a clover plant, they are supposed to die and fall off right? :confused::confused:
  20. M

    need advice on first grow...

    Ok so I introduced myself but now i need some advice. I started with 6 plants and now only have to they are 18 days from seed and 15 days from seed. not sure of the type cause i pulled them out of a bag i bought a while back. any ways the older is about 3" tall and is just getting its second set...