Search results

  1. H

    Question about moisture during germination

    I planted my seeds directly into the soil medium for germination, and I made sure the soil was very moist. The soil I am using is supposed to have good water retention as well. My question is: should I go back soon and give the seeds more moisture? Originally I was planning on going back about a...
  2. H

    Will this abundant grass affect my grow?

    Quick question (kind of a stupid one but might as well ask): my planned grow site has a lot of grass around it (left side of picture mainly, on the slope.) Since I will be digging holes where my plants are going to be, my plants shouldn't have to compete with the grass at all, will it? It's...
  3. H

    Questions/opinions about my planned nutrients

    I wanted to find some more opinions on the Foxfarm's Peace of Mind line (click for link) as well as get some questions answered. I already did some googling and whatnot but I had some more specific questions that would be better answered by experience. Well, my main question was, would I just...
  4. H

    Stopping adding nutrients...

    Ok, I searched around for this question a bit, couldn't find anything. The question is: what if partway through your grow you stop adding nutrients and just stick with watering them? I'm not talking about the flushing at the very end of the season either. I'm assuming it wouldn't really have an...
  5. H

    Some advice on starting off with seedlings

    Hi, I am going to be starting my first outdoor grow soon, and I had one important question that I wanted to ask but couldn't find the answer to. For my grow I am going to be starting with seedlings, germinating them and everything, so the plants won't be very large when I first transplant them...