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  1. P

    2 Pounds Per Light

    Hey all, I am currently using 1000 watt lights and I hear lots of talk about 2 pounds per light. I have been growing for quite some time and have never been able to get above .5 grams per watt. So I just wanted to see what some of you guys are doing that are achieving this number. I have...
  2. P

    Epsom Salt In Soil

    Hey guys, I posted this question in another section but didn't really get an answer. I always seem to get a magnesium deficiency during flowering, usually in the 3rd week. I have been using a cal/mag supplement but I would like to stop for 2 reasons. The first is that I hate treating a...
  3. P

    Epsom salt in soil

    Hey guys, I always run into magnesium deficiencies in flower. I am looking to avoid this. I always add dolomite lime to my soil (promix) before wetting it, however, I still see the deficiency show up. I can usually water with cal/mag but the plants right under the 1000 watter go through more...
  4. P

    Neem Oil Systemic

    Just wanted to post a question about the effectiveness of using neem oil as a systemic only. I have had good results dealing with thrips by watering neem oil into my promix but this could be because they like to go into the soil and lay eggs. Just wondering if the only approach I took was to...
  5. P

    Combination approach need expert advice

    Hey guys, Having a bad thrip problem and its been going on for, well, way too long (a couple of grows so at least 6 months). I've had enough and am going to dedicate myself to getting rid of these bastards. I am limited with what I can use because I live in Canada and we can't get shit here...
  6. P

    Thrips, Neem, Pyrethrum

    Hey guys, I have thrips and have been battling them for about 6 months. I've been able to harvest each crop, but they always seem to come back even though I keep them at bay. I really just wanna eliminate these little pests once and for all. I read an article saying to combine neem oil with...
  7. P

    Vented Hoods

    Hey guys, Just wondering how many 1000 watt hps's is acceptable to vent together? I can buy whatever size fan is acceptable, just wondering if 6 in a row is ok. Qualified responses only please. Thanks.
  8. P

    Jacks Classic No Calcium

    Hey all, I have been researching fertilizers for a few days and reading every bit of information I can get my hands on. I have read quite a few of uncle bens posts and one of his recommendations is jacks classic all purpose and bloom formula. After reading the label I noticed that it does not...
  9. P

    Bloom Booster Combo

    Hey all, Looking to start an opinion thread regarding bloom booster combinations. Last time I used big bud and overdrive. The results were ok but I'm looking to experiment a little, so just wanted to get some opinions on products that other people have used. I also kind of hate the price of...
  10. P

    What happened???

    Hey Guys, Well my last crop I switched fertilizer to sensi bloom, big bud and overdrive and was very optimistic. My plants looked really good the whole way through. In the end I got only 1.1 pounds off of a 1000 watt hps. I did sog style in promix over a 5x5 area in 3 gallon pots. I didn't...
  11. P

    Humidity and Daytime/Nightime Temperature differential

    Hey guys, I have the growers bible and it states that humidity during flowering should be kept between 40-60% and day and night time temperatures should have a differential of 20 Fahrenheit. How important are both of these. I have a tough time with keeping my humidity down and I haven't been...
  12. P

    Sensi Bloom a and B, Big Bud

    Hello, I posted a question about these products in another section and didn't really get any answers. I am growing in promix, and will be switching the lights to 12/12 after 2 weeks of 18/6. I purchased both sensi bloom a and b and big bud for my flower cycle and am wondering about...
  13. P

    Advanced Nutrients Sensi Bloom

    Hello All, I just purchased sensi bloom a and b and will soon be starting to use it. My question is with regards to how much to use?? I am in promix and the calculator online seems to be for hydroponics. I have googled this and read what seems like a hundred threads and everybody seems to...