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  1. H

    Grow a nug?

    someone told me recently that you can take a nugget off the plant with the branch( cutting as if you were cloning) and that this nugget can be rootoned and placed in rock, will grow roots and the nugget will begine to grow. i think he said u keep it in bud stage too. what do you think about this
  2. H

    Harvest then revegg

    Ive heard u can havest most of your canna. leaving branches and olny the popcorn bud (I harvested just as revegging started, i.e new little bud growth) and then take clones from the new growth from the small nugs, is this correct, how long does the new growth take to bcome sufficent to clone...
  3. H

    co2 from small wood fire?

    Wood this create olny co2 and not carbon MONOXIDE? im olny talking abo8ut a hanfull of kindling to raise levels of co2
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    jock horror

  5. H

    harvest and force revegg

    i want to take off most of my bud from a few plaNTS(HARVEST CUZ THERE READY) but leave some brances and low hanging buds and froce a revegg t get more clones. how long will does it not take to force a revegg, how much branch,bud removeal can ii do wit seriously stunting the plant(deathbed status)?
  6. H

    bud harvest

    i want to take off most of my bud from a few plaNTS(HARVEST CUZ THERE READY) but leave some brances and low hanging buds and froce a revegg t get more clones. how long will does it not take to force a revegg, how much branch,bud removeal can ii do wit seriously stunting the plant(deathbed status)?
  7. H

    Ballast quick dry

    Hey, Ive found I can dry my HIGH POTENCY mature weed on top of the ballast for a few hours depends on moisture and what not, but it does not hurt potency at all, or much if at all, cuasue I know killer weed and it comes out killer if you dont under dry or over dry. Does anyone have any ideas on...
  8. H

    spirder mite web remova;l tips?

    hey all, i found some webbing at the top of a few colas, there from mites, not mold or anything else. i removed the webbing with a fork and knife, most of it came right off, any tips on removing the webbing would be appriciated
  9. H

    Hermapadite facts

    I know how to identify them, but i would like some other facts, like are they still good to smoke, does their potency decrease,increase, can it be reversed, what cause it.
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    Hermaphidating posably( i doubt it though)

    MY indica is very close to being done, there are a few yellow hars (kinda resembling the banna things) but not quite them though, can you post pics of hermaphidting plants earlyu on,and later on. please describe signs of hermapditing plants as well,thanks alot!What can be done to prevent...
  11. H

    amber trichromes,Whole plant harvest(bylaw)

    I have a pure idica 5.5 ft, nice colas,mass tric,most clody,begining to have a few ambers. how many percenatge wise should i aloows to become amber for a strong sedative effect. I have to harvest the entire plant in one peice bylaw, any advice on making this go smother
  12. H

    revegging time

    after i harvest my buding plant,i have one room,one 1000w mh,5 5.5ft plants, 4 budding starts that are about 1.3 ft high and down to 6 in/. how long will it take me to force them back to vegg. all advice welcome
  13. H

    Grandma with kedney failure,can pot help beyond nausea and appitite stim?

    My grandma may have kedney failure and maby diabetes, i want her to use marijuanha to stop her nausea and to incrase her appite.the doc sayes she should eat more! Do any of you gus know of any information or can provide information on weather kedney failure is possable treated by marijuana as...
  14. H

    temperture facts

    ive heard that after 80 degree F the plants wont grow as the release water as fast as they take it in, is this true or is 80-81 temp is usALLY 78-79,RARLY 80
  15. H

    1000w mh with hps spec. added(reds and blue added) vs.hps

    i have a 1000w mh that is light adjusted for flowering as well to reduce need for hps cause it produces same spectrums. what do you think about these types of light. do these lights perform as well as a hps might for this use, should i buy a hps cause my ballast can do both
  16. H

    last resorts to save strain

    I have a good srain that could be lost if my last start of them die,what is the best way to petserve the strsin,harvesy all the bud off the plant,force a revegg and take cutts again,pethaps leave a small amount of bud and pollonize the plant,or perhaps leave alilttle bud,make it hermie larer,any...
  17. H

    gueralla grow advice

    Does anyone have advice on conducting a gruells grow.all advice appri'iatef
  18. H

    clone care

    i have taken clones for the first time,they are doing ok,ive had them for bout 4-5 days. one looks a little wilted, what can i do to fix this and prevent wilting. ive kept them out of direct sunligh/grow light,kept them misted regularly(could i be misting to much?)
  19. H

    first clones

    hello.i just cloned my plants,first time I have ever cloned anything. ive had the clones around for 3-4 days or so, they are in rockwool,treated with rooting gel. I have been misting the cuttings with water once in a while,2-3 times a day. two clones look slightly wilted, am i over...
  20. H

    clone care,wilt prevention!

    hello.i just cloned my plants,first time I have ever cloned anything. ive had the clones around for 3-4 days or so, they are in rockwool,treated with rooting gel. I have been misting the cuttings with water once in a while,2-3 times a day. two clones look slightly wilted, am i over...