Search results

  1. WeedKillsBrainCells

    White Alpine Strawberries

    Ok this will be a lil journal maybe weekly progress of them if I can remember. First time growing anything except weeds in the garden so wasnt expecting much. Dry shallow chalky soils which I dont think strawberries particularly like... But wet climate working in my favour. I read...
  2. WeedKillsBrainCells

    Mobile site woes

    Is there anything that can be done to make it less tedious? I'm having to relogin pretty frequently because it doesn't seem to keep my cookies. Then when you are logged out it takes about 15 minutes to scroll down the seemingly endless list of forums just to login.
  3. WeedKillsBrainCells

    Anybody else get "computer problem" calls from india? A warning if you dont

    2 calls in 2 days and theyve called before but ive never been there to answer. Its some person in India and they claim different things like your computers broke, etc. Today I got the phone passed to me to talk to one and it was "oh we're from microsoft we're gonna disable your computer for...
  4. WeedKillsBrainCells

    10mm downpipe for a mini bong, do these things even EXIST?

    i had a mini handheld bong which went mostly untouched as im a joint man, but then i started using this mini DEA bong and really liked it. Though as happens I got stoned and broke the downpipe. I ordered another one off the same site but was wrong size and like 1.5 times as big as the bong. I...
  5. WeedKillsBrainCells

    Kong coleus plant and a rooted cutting

    Hi all just showing a few pics of a coleus I picked up a month or so ago. Didnt know anything about them but it looks nice. now its been moved into partial shade like it prefers and ive got a rooted cutting, you can see even the new growth has that wine-splashed leaf pattern anyone ever...
  6. WeedKillsBrainCells

    4:20 uk time what you gonna smoke on?

    Blue cheese here mmmm amerifags get your bongs and join in too
  7. WeedKillsBrainCells

    Anyone Tried the magic flight launch box vaporiser? I spent £82 and got all this shit with it like a whip and a grinder that I don't need. I got it because it's wood and stealthy, the price range is around the iolite range and it has a lot of the same features. Whats it like? It's my first vape so I'm excited
  8. WeedKillsBrainCells

    A mosquito just bit me.

    In my condition he's gonna get sudden tunnel vision and euphoria and crash and die right? Here's hoping...
  9. WeedKillsBrainCells

    What chu smoking on

    Name it bonus points if you're smoking right now, synchronism. Great white sharkk
  10. WeedKillsBrainCells

    What you smoking on??

    I'd kinda like to find out, dig out a few pics if youre up to it from seed banks or your own if possible. Im sure we have some califags on tonight or people with much better medicine, but this is kandy kush. not a bad picture btw if i say so myself
  11. WeedKillsBrainCells

    first smoke in like.. 4/5 months kandy kush

    damn.. i got some kandy kush off someone i know, paid a lot for it, he said it was super strong so i kinda thought ok maybe 1.5 full joints to get baked. but heres me that lights a normal cigarette sized joint in small papers and immediately im fucked. eyes gone purple and heart racing. has...
  12. WeedKillsBrainCells

    Newspaper article from a UK paper that just shows ignorance is still rife

    Well for any non-brits, the majority on here im assuming, this newspaper is generally considered toilet roll by most people. They hate immigrants and generally anything liberal. I read an article on Paul McCartney giving up cannabis the other day. I was happy because he portrayed it in a...
  13. WeedKillsBrainCells

    i think i just messed up ugh

    if any of you have tried shopping online... fucking nightmare. tried to add a new card to this verified with visa shit, locked me out the jobsworth on the phone was making me jump through hoops to get myself verified. i had to call back and got a man who was more helpful he gave me access to...
  14. WeedKillsBrainCells

    Single Seed AK48 Feminized

    Hey all! This will be my second grow and i'm gonna be (very slightly) more planned about it, but still not so much. So far I know that i'm starting with CFL's til about week 2/3 and then either gonna work out a way to get my 600 involved or put it outdoors to enjoy the 'early spring' we're...
  15. WeedKillsBrainCells

    What low odor strain should I buy

    Attitude is doing a sale finishes in 3 hours if anyone wants to know was thinking of stocking up but i want low odor strains so i can maybe move outdoors in future (Im in UK) for guerilla non-shit low odor strains?
  16. WeedKillsBrainCells

    This illuminati shit everytime I go on youtube

    Firstly, does anybody actually believe in these secret societys behind controlling the whole world? I'm not denying it could be real but at the same time god could be real... but I don't really believe in him either Belief isn't the point though, the point is everytime I go on a music video of...
  17. WeedKillsBrainCells

    merry xmas all, what are your plans?

    12:06 gmt here, so just turned xmas. i feel soooo shit i havent got anybody any presents really, we've never really done that in our family much. plus i havent sent off my package to a friend in america yet, but hers hasnt arrived for me and will be late too so hey. still, ill most likely be...
  18. WeedKillsBrainCells

    What nationalities actually DONT use tobacco in their joints?

    I know its all personal preference but obviously some countries generally use it and generally dont. Why dont you Americans do it? Pure joints just taste overwhelming and burns too quick imo. Plus wasteful it seems. to make the shape of a cone requires a lot more with pure weed than if you have...
  19. WeedKillsBrainCells

    anybody else get the craving for cigarettes when high?

    i dunno if its just because im smoking joints or whether its the actual effect of the high but i just feel like chain smoking. feels much smoother, same with drinking its all kinda dulled down in a good way.
  20. WeedKillsBrainCells

    Whats nore portable/Practical

    well ive always liked making my own bongs because plastic bottles are readily available. i only used tin foil a couple times when i was younger but stopped that ages ago, now if i have to i stick in my glass pipe. it works well but i wanna try a gravity bong. is it worth investing in a complete...