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  1. fumaganja

    Catapiilars help!

    Hi guys Was doing so well this year finally avoiding any insects and out of no where I have a bloody catapilar invasion literally eating my buds. What can I do? I’m taking them off by hand everyday but it’s still killing my buds and they are only about two weeks from finishing, also another...
  2. fumaganja

    Is this plant to late to top?

    Hi all, is this plant too high to top? Would it benefit from topping? Looks like it’s growing tall fast compared to the others, or best to leave it to grow naturally? Thanks
  3. fumaganja

    Light timing

    This is probably going to be the stupidest thing you’ve heard but got to ask it, i germinated 3 seeds about a month ago they are now small plants I’ve had them under a small light as it’s been raining ever since and couldn’t put them outside, I couldn’t find my timer so I’ve been turning them on...
  4. fumaganja

    Are these big enough to put outside?

    Hi guys, Are my plants big enough to plant outside yet directly in to the ground? We’re in late March here getting approx 12,30 hours of light a day. I only have them under a weak fluorescent tube so keen to get them out, we’ve also had so much rain which I believe will be a good boost for...
  5. fumaganja

    Aphids how to prevent

    Hey guys, so we’re coming up to that time of year again. I live in a rural area and we get so many aphids on all of the garden plants, everytime I plant weed plants they get covered in them too. What can I do to prevent them?
  6. fumaganja

    What is this bug that’s killing my plants?

    hi guys what is this bug? My plants have been dying and I believe I’ve found out why now!
  7. fumaganja

    Plants won’t grow and look so unhealthy

    Hi guys, so my plants are in budding now but they are so unhealthy, I changed them to bigger pots about 7 weeks ago and I’m worried I gave them too much water at the beginning which has maybe caused bud rot. All of the leaves are turning yellow and the leaves are forever drooping, it seems...
  8. fumaganja

    Move to bigger pots or leave?

    Hi guys, So my two moby dicks are growing lovely as you can see in the photos. They absolutely stink and haven’t even started flowering. I have them in 50L pots, they’ve been growing two months approx, maybe a bit more can’t remember. Should I move them to bigger pots? Will it increase my...
  9. fumaganja

    Wow has anyone ever seen a stem like this?!

    Like the title says have you ever seen a stem like this? The stem is completely flat not round like you would expect, quite amazing. The plants are growing incredible and super healthy, albeit a bit dehydrated in the photo as it’s very hot here but just given them some water.
  10. fumaganja

    Loads of big flies on my plants

    Yo guys, just noticed my plants are covered in big flies, the type that piss you off when your trying to eat. why is this and is it a problem / bad for the plants? thanks
  11. fumaganja

    How are these looking?

    Hi guys, how are my little plants looking? The leaves are quite fat, and feel slightly dry but other than look seem to be going really well. They are about 5-6 weeks from seed growing in big pots outside. I have had a few aphids on them as loads in this area but seem to be keeping them away...
  12. fumaganja

    Do my plants need training?

    Hi guys, its been years since I’ve grown outdoors, I’m currently germinating a couple of Royal moby seeds, I live in Spain and am getting off to an early start this season. I will be planting in very big pots - my question is, should I keep topping the plants or just let them grow naturally /...
  13. fumaganja

    Can you water plants in the ground with a hose?

    Hi all, I’ve just planted some plants in to the ground, they have been growing a couple of months in pots and I’ve been doing the correct ph levels when watering. My question is, now they are in the ground, can I just use the hose to flood them with water or do I still need to PH check the...
  14. fumaganja

    Why plants drooping and feel dry??

    Hi all, I've got 6 young plants in pots outside, for some reason 4 have gone weird like the leaves feel dry / crispy and they are drooping quite a bit / bending inwards. I really dont understand why, it's been about a week or so now. I've let them dry out and ive given water, I've even reported...
  15. fumaganja

    When to change pot size?

    Hi all, I'm growing 6 seeds currently from my previous indoor grow. I have them in small pots, probably 0.5lt. Now because the seeds are from my previous grow I dont know which will be male or female until further down the line. I want to put the females in to the biggest pots I can, but at...
  16. fumaganja

    HELP mold on dried and cured weed

    Hi guys, so I've got about 400 grams of dried and cured weed, critical, lovely stuff. I've had sat in jars for about 2 months and I must be honest I forgot about it for a while, I've just opened it to see white mold growing over a lot of it, which is a shame because I did do the dry cure process...
  17. fumaganja

    Has anyone seen this before? Revegged half way through flower

    Hi guys, Have any of you seen this before and more importantly seen the end result? Basically, I was well over half way through flowering Gorrila glue 4, and I didnt realise that the extension lead that has one of the lights plugged in actually fell over and the light timer nudged on the floor...
  18. fumaganja

    How to maximise 8 x 4 tent with 8 or 12 plants

    Hi all, I'm running a 8 x 4 tent with 3 600w lamps. I've always grown between 30 - 50 plants in it but it's just too much to manage now. Next time round I plan on doing either 8 or 12 plants but growing them a lot bigger. I've never had to train plants to grow big like this to fill out the...
  19. fumaganja

    Big problem. 1 Light accidentally on 24 hours for about a week towards end of flowering.

    Hi guys, So I haven't been checking on my plants much recently as been so busy with work. I have 50 gorrila glue in a 8 x 4 tent with 3 600w lamps. I noticed one light was always coming on about 10 mins early but ive just reliases it wasn't, it's actually been on 24/7 for approx a week now as...
  20. fumaganja


    Hi guys, Can you guys confirm if this is a hermie? It's very strange theres no reason it should have turned other than a crap strain - word of advice - never buy pineapple chunk, an absolute nightmare to grow from day one. Is it normal for the end of some of the pistills to turn slightly brown...