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  1. Kestas


    Is it as safe to look through this site on ur cell phone? Or would it be easier for "them" to figure out who u are?
  2. Kestas

    Head shops being shut down here.

    All our local head shops are being forced to close or stop selling pipes, bongs, etc. The owners said its because alot of the local gas stations started selling glass pipes sitting by the cash register with brillo pads and shit. And alot of parents were complaining. Its always been against...
  3. Kestas

    What to Do Here?

    Im not sure what I need to do here. Shes 40 days in flower and is maybe to bushy? No light is getting to interior bud sites. I was thinking about triming but I don't want to stress her. Should I start Lst? This is my first grow so I was trying not to get to complicated. Thanks
  4. Kestas

    Some ppls pics won't show

    When I right click this is what it says. Any tips on how to fix it?
  5. Kestas

    Leaf tips turning yellow "pix"

    I did look through the search feature and I think its nute def? IM 1 week into flower useing miracle grow soil so I haven't added any nutes water ph and soil ph is at 6.5. Watering only once every 3 days. Thanks for any help. Ive also already had mag def. but added epsom salt few weeks back and...
  6. Kestas

    First grow, closet

    Ok I started off with 4 25 watt cfl and 2 4' shop lights. Then I found this site and read it was now where near enough.
  7. Kestas

    Uh oh

    plants leaves are getting brown spots on the bottem leafs, and top leafs the sides are turning up and they are gettting disfugured! What am I doing wrong? Been watering at 6.6pH no, nutes yet, its been getting kinda hot about 87 at the hottest could that be the problem? Its just bag seed that...
  8. Kestas

    Venting Idea

    Ok Ive noticed my temp is staying a lil too high around 83. I know heat rises so the best place to vent is the top. But my girl friends says I cant cut holes in the ceiling of our rent house "which honestly is not a good idea anyway". So I was thinking of takeing the light bulb fixture off...
  9. Kestas

    Another first time grower

    Well this is also my first time grow. Ive been reading up alot on growing "mostly here" and this is what I have so far. Ive got 2 lil ones been sprouted a week the others have sprouted in the last 2 days I think 8 all in all. Ive been watering with water at 6.6 pH, room temp is at 75, and...
  10. Kestas


    My pH level was a lil too high about 7.2 I bought pH 5.0 Seachem discus buffer, adjust pH to 5.8-6.8 Ive got it about 6.6 right now but my question is, is this stuff safe to use on plants? Thanks for your input.
  11. Kestas


    First time grower here, came across this when I was just looking for all the information I could possibly get on growing. I found lots of good information here and look forward to my first crop.