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  1. KiefCatcher

    Research Chemicals: Measuring Doses Accurately (Question)

    I've got a good deal of research chemicals coming pretty soon. What I don't have is an accurate scale capable of weighing out such small doses (0.001g+). I certainly do not want to spend hundreds of dollars on such a scale nor do I want to spend $40-60 on a cheaper one that may be misleading...
  2. KiefCatcher

    Seatbelt citation, thankfully.

    Friday night a coworker and I rolled two fat blunts and hotboxed my car on the way back to town. Arriving in town, a state trooper pulls up behind us out of nowhere and hits the lights. This sucks because we are very pungent and have many drugs in the car. In the end I had to tell the officer...
  3. KiefCatcher

    Suboxone; Bliss and then Vomit Hell

    I've taken suboxone a few times before this. I never exceeded 2mg at once simply because it really fucks me up. I don't have an opiate habit, so when it does what it does it wastes me. Anyways, my friend and I bought an 8mg suboxone - pictured above - and we just split it in half then cut it...
  4. KiefCatcher

    Why Does Cocaine Do Nothing For Me?

    Over the years I've taken many stimulants including dextroamphetamine, amphetamine, lisdexamfetamine, methamphetamine, methylphinate, MDMA, and MDA. All of them with the exception of methylphinate (Concerta, Ritalin) were good experiences. I definitely felt each of them working in their own way...
  5. KiefCatcher

    Obama Addresses The Nation - 5/1/2011

    Does anyone know what Obama will be speaking about tonight? I've heard it's National Security related. ????
  6. KiefCatcher

    My First LSD Experience

    (This is an exstensive post but I know that when I was considering trying LSD all I wanted was an exstensive tripping report, not your average "yeh-I-dropped-it-and-I-was-flippin-out-then-it-was-cool" report.) --Procuring the Acid-- Okay, the first time I tripped acid was last year. I got...
  7. KiefCatcher

    Five People on LSD - What to do?

    I'm taking a trip to the mountains to purchase some quality LSD. I'm bringing back 12 blotters to be divided amongst five people. The friend that is hosting the trip has done LSD many times with me in the past. He and I will do three hits and the other three people who have never done LSD before...
  8. KiefCatcher

    LSD or Shrooms? Girl Trouble

    I have no experience with any trips. Never done it. I would like to try it. So heres my one lady doesnt want me to do acid or shrooms or anything but I do. So what I want to know is which one is easier to handle? like if she were to come home unexpectedly or call. Which one is...
  9. KiefCatcher

    Sheriff Cars, Dogs, Vans, Patrol Units everywhere!!

    I had a 10 plant grow area outdoors. I used to spread them all out wide. 1 plant here, another there, etc. But Ive been pushin my luck for years. I guess I ran out of luck. I put 10 plants close together. About 3-4 ft apart from each other. Not in rows or circles or anything, random pattern...
  10. KiefCatcher

    Growing simulation

    I love growing marijuana. I certainly do. But, while I'm waitin on the crop, I like to grow my virtual marijuana aswell. For a while I've used "High Grow v4.20" to grow my virtual plants, but lately I've been looking for something more immediate. I like the joy of growing and its fun to tweak...
  11. KiefCatcher

    First Experience Like This!

    I've been smoking for YEARS...I've been buzzing, high, stoned, couch locked, floating, fuzzy, creepy crawly, dizzy, cannon-hearted, ear ringing whatever, I've smoked alot and have had tons of strains...but oddly, I had a NEW experience yesterday. I got home from work, I was feeling like shit...
  12. KiefCatcher

    Bag Appeal - What do you look for?

    Pretty straight forward...if and when you buy from a dealer, what makes you think "Wow look at that dank! I'll take it!" What do you look for? :joint:
  13. KiefCatcher

    Curved Stem (Sun stretching?) Help!

    My partner and I have a few plants going outside. They're all in pots and seem to be doing very well. Except for one. A couple of days ago I had to be away for the weekend. I left it up to my partner to take care of them until I got back. For some reason, he claims he "got nervous" and had to...