Search results

  1. P

    Mostly Female Hermaphrodite

    Well becasue the search engine is so tightly regulated on what you can and can't search for (in referance to search length), im not able to somethines acess exactly what i need. Life isnt fair and im over it So who has ever had a plant term hermi like 5 weeks into flowering? AFTER female...
  2. P


    Here are some videos of what we got going on. :hump: Last week: YouTube - 600 Watts + 2x 450nm Attinic tubes This Week: YouTube - edit 600 Watts + 2x 450nm Attinic tubes week 3 Flower Check out my gallery here on roll it up. 2 plants are big females, 2 plants are small clones :)
  3. P

    Good News For Michigan

    Michigan Coalition for Compassionate Care :O perhaps everyhing will go well