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  1. zoezoezoe

    Why are you still growing marijuana?.....the future of THC consumption?

    Why grow Illegal marijuana when you get can grow Legal tomatoes and still get high? Interesting article, anyone come across this yet?
  2. zoezoezoe

    How does infrared light harm dark periods? I want to buy this to warm up my grow space at night. Does anyone know if these emit light that will effect my plants during dark periods? The description clearly states it doesn't emit any light at all, but it does...
  3. zoezoezoe

    Question for the CO2 experts

    Is it possible to purchase one of the generic regulators like this one... and split it between my grow room AND my planted aquarium? I need CO2 for both, and don't have for either. If I could use one tank, one regulator, and coordinate the 12 hours on 12...
  4. zoezoezoe

    I have a temperature issue! Except I need it hotter!!! Need sound advice.

    I live in a very cold climate and the temperature in my grow space drops to 50-55 F at night. I don't want to keep the lights on at night (which I know would solve my problem) for a number of reasons. The buds are actually doing really well, but I want them to do better, and I think this is...
  5. zoezoezoe

    Can I use my foxfarm nutes with Pre-fertalized soil?

    I bought the wrong bag of soil at HD yesterday. I meant to get plain soil with no fertilizer, but apparently got the wrong one. Can I still use my FoxFarm nutes with this soil (feeds for 3 months) or is that overkill? Both literally and figuratively? Thanks!
  6. zoezoezoe

    2'X2'X6' grow space. HPS or CFL?

    I'm planning my second grow in my closet. I grew in this space last time and had great results using hydro and about 300 watts (give or take) of CFLs. I don't want to use a 400W because of heat issues, but what about a 250 watt HPS? Would I get better results with that than with 300 watts...
  7. zoezoezoe

    A question for users of 'Zero Tolerance' infestation controll

    It says on the directions to put in a spray bottle, and possibly dilute it with water, depending on the delicacy of the plant. What about if the spray gets on actual buds and not just the leaves. The directions say to pretty much drench the entire plant with it. Will spraying directly on buds...
  8. zoezoezoe

    Dry in only a week?

    I have read on the FAQ here that you should hang dry for 2-3 weeks. I live in a colder dry climate and the buds are already dry, after 1 week. Is it advised to wait anyways or should I jar them and begin the curing process?
  9. zoezoezoe

    Is this a normal response to Spider Mite spray?

    I am about 2 weeks into flowering and I just got a spider mite problem so I sprayed it down with the stuff I use on my other plants. Its called 'Garden Sage Insecticidal Soap-Insect Killer' It has worked in the past, and seems to be working now. However, all of the buds of my plant sorta...
  10. zoezoezoe

    Setting up exhaust in a rental?

    What methods do ya'll use to design a venting in a house you rent? I am hesitant to putting holes in the walls or the door. I currently use CFLs, so I don't vent, but I'm moving to 400HPS in a couple months and have no idea how to set up the venting/exhaust system.
  11. zoezoezoe

    100% CFL grow with pics, on week 6

    So here it is. I did this grow to see what was possible with just CFL, from start to finish. I have not quite got the results some people here have, could be from a lot of factors, but who knows. 420 Watts between 9 lights. Bag seed, no CO2, no temp control, bubbleponics, fox farms, all warm...
  12. zoezoezoe

    When pistol maturity don't match trichome maturity?

    I am just under 7 weeks flowering. I have a question. Under a 100X magnification, about 1/4 are amber, 1/4 are cloudy, and 1/2 are clear. I have picked some and I like the high a lot. But, many of the pistols are still nice and white, I would say overall, the plant is only 1/4 red pistols...
  13. zoezoezoe

    Nail in stem?

    Someone I know who has been growing for a long time mentioned a trick of his to me today. He says 1 day before cutting the plant, drive a nice thick nail right through the base of the stalk. This sends the plant into hyperdrive shock as it thinks it is going to die and send 100% of its energy...
  14. zoezoezoe

    CFL Hydro Grow with pics

    Hey all, I had an old thread, but I'm just gonna start a new one from here on out. I am 24 days into 12/12. There are buds everywhere, but they are still pretty small. They look great, I'm just wondering about their size. I am using a bubbleponics system, with 3 air stones. Also, have...
  15. zoezoezoe

    StealthHydro Review/comments

    So, before my current grow, I had never done it before, and was weary on building my own setup from scratch. Eventually I came across SH as many have, and decided on going with it because of the ease. Other than my actual grow, which is doing really well, I have been pretty disappointed with...
  16. zoezoezoe

    Best Additive?

    Hey all. So, I about 2.5 weeks into flowering and am getting the bug to try some experimenting. I am just using bag seed, and its going really well. Thus far, I'm using a bubbleponics system with 3 air stones, with 3 125 W CFL, 4 42 W CLF. I have been using the nutes that StealthHydro sells...
  17. zoezoezoe

    Do you keep any Blue CFLs going during Flowering?

    I was wondering what most people do for flowering. All red CFLs? Even between red and blue? What's the best method?
  18. zoezoezoe

    Two CFL questions

    Ok, I have two really easy questions about CFLs that I for some reason don't know the answers to. Here it goes. 1. When people talk about red and blue CFL. Is red CFL the same as soft white (home depot names)? and blue the same as daylight? And are these the ones to use during Flowering...
  19. zoezoezoe

    Who uses hydroponic/aeroponic with their CFL grows?

    Just curious. Maybe more DWC users than anything, but it seems a lot of soil and not too much hydro. Anyone?
  20. zoezoezoe

    something fishy about attitude seed bank?

    NVM, i need to lay of the morning bong hits :)