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  1. Ryan123456

    Need help fast!!

    I grow in aero and without my knowledge my sprayers have clogged and stopped the time that they stopped and me finding the problem the roots have grown a white mold. Is there any way to get rid of this or are the plants screwed...THANKS!!!
  2. Ryan123456

    Need Help Fast

    I grow with aero and my sprayer heads have clogged without my knowledge and i now have mold growing on my there any way to get rid of this or are the plants screwed? PLEASE HELP FAST!!
  3. Ryan123456

    Aero/bubble grow, first hydro attempt

    I'll get right down to the pictures, if you have comments or questions about what i've done feel free...the most recent pictures are from today, day 23
  4. Ryan123456

    Link to My First Aerogrow in the Bernie Central Forum
  5. Ryan123456

    Here We Go! My First Aero/Bubble attempt Bubbleicious and NYPD

    I'm excited to get this going! Seeds have been germed using the paper towel method. Taproot got to about a 1/4" in 24 hours. I put the seeds taproot down in the soaked rockwool cubes and put them in their new homes in the 3" netpots. The setup is home made following the guidelines from a grower...
  6. Ryan123456

    Stupid Question

    Im pretty sure that you can't, but if you start a seedling in soil can it then be switched to hydro?
  7. Ryan123456

    How many plants under a 430w hps?

    Just as the title says. Let me know what other info (if any) is needed for a good guesstimate. Thanks
  8. Ryan123456

    My Second Grow! Bubblecious from Nirvana

    Veg'd under T-5 for 6 weeks, switched to 400w HPS. Had some problems right before switching to flower. It was either a nitrogen deficiency or gnats eating my roots. Working on getting rid of the gnats now and the Flower nute tab I use has stopped the yellowing of anymore leaves. Did some...
  9. Ryan123456

    2nd grow Bubbleicious under T-5

    Ordered from nirvana added a grow kit to the order and so far am extremely happy with the results...these pics are at day 31 of veg.
  10. Ryan123456

    Need to know if these are close to being done

    there is pictures of one of my plants where the hairs are starting to change colors...the rest of the pics is other plants and my room If some of the buds are ready...can you trim off just those branches to start drying out or will that be too much damage for the plant to handle. thanks for your...
  11. Ryan123456

    Ya i'm a noob but check it out anyway...comments welcome!

    Alright so i'm new to this so forgive me for the information that i know i am going to leave out. I started growing because people are unreliable and i'm tired of searching all the time. Here are some pics, the 2 bigger ones were planted on Oct 5. The pink cups were planted on Oct 23. There...
  12. Ryan123456

    I hate being new to this...dead or not?

    Started with 6, 3 cracked and grew, now it looks like they are dying. Opinions? Like i said i'm pretty new to this. They are in a closet underneath the steps in the basement while i build a grow box for them. MG is the soil, i haven't added anything to it except water. I am using florescent...
  13. Ryan123456

    I need advice for experienced LED growers Please look and leave opinions