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  1. WhiteGreen

    Running Out Of Space Quick

    I had 16 in a closet and had to move to a smaller closet in my room. I only had 5 males leaving me w/ 11 females. This is the 16 day flowering and my friend came over and insited that we prune them to make the plant concentrate on bud development while allowing light to lower bud sites. Is is a...
  2. WhiteGreen

    Pruning 2nd week flower?? no space

    My boy came over yesterday and after one look at the small space grow, he insisted that i prune off many of the big fan leaves and make room for new foliage and lower buds.. I was a lil hesitant to say the least but he went to school for horticulture and works in the feild.. he used to grow big...
  3. WhiteGreen

    11 Days flowering,,, the journal starts

    400w Hps, vegged w/ MH. started 16 had to cut down tha boys, small space but unlimited height. used to be in a bigger clost but had to move,, supercramped in there but it will have to do. I will update every tues!:joint::hump:
  4. WhiteGreen

    Small closet grow

    this is my clost grow,, it was in a clost with about 2x1ft more space, had to be moved due to stinkage. I am running a 400w switchable on 11 females in soil, I need to know how close to can put a hps,,, it dosent have a heat glass or anything. Let me know what you think guys and gals. any guess...
  5. WhiteGreen

    Heloo all..... Nasty noob here

    Hello everyone,,, I am new to this site,,, I found it while vegging (not onthe couch) and it has helped me quite a bit. Thanks to all :joint::hump: