Search results

  1. harveyjarvey

    BC Northern Lights VS. SuperCloset Deluxe: The battle of the boxes!!!

    After over 5 months of studying the best options for a stealth Growbox under $3000 I narrowed it down to 2 companies BC Northern Lights and Supercloset. 2 very different companies with very different types of Grow boxes. UNTIL NOW. I am pretty sure I will be one of the first people to order...
  2. harveyjarvey

    PC gangsters Pimp your PC!

    Let's see em. Pc growers post pics of your systems let's see who is the PC Pimp of the month!Plus+ reps
  3. harveyjarvey

    Lighting after germination and before spouting

    Lighting question: My seeds cracked and I planted them in soil, do I start running my lights now or wait till they come above the soil. I read they use the seed as food but please let me know if it will help if I run my CFL's now or just wait till they sprout up out of the soil. Thanks plus...
  4. harveyjarvey

    Germinating your seeds

    I am germinating my seeds by the "dropping them in a cup of water" method. Its been over 24 hrs and the seeds haven't cracked. How long do they usually take to crack with this method? How long till I should give up on these seeds?
  5. harveyjarvey

    PC Growers -Need advice

    I just got my PC growbox last week, and my exhaust fan is pretty loud. One thing it may be is it came with a light guard which is a piece of black paper taped in an arc around the fan making the air travel up below and above the fan. I probably need that on it so maybe someone could suggest...
  6. harveyjarvey

    PC Grow Bulbs blowing out...WHY?

    So i have a PC grow box with a powerstrip and 4 cfl bulb locations pluged in. They are 26w cfls, The power is running from the wall; through an extention cord that the powerstrip is pluged into. I fired up my pc grow box and almost right away a bulb died... So I unplugged all other appliances...
  7. harveyjarvey

    Germinating seeds... Glass of water or wet tissue method??

    What is the best way to germinate. I have seen the drop in a glass or water technique and the wet tissue paper method. What has the higher success rate. And when after they crack should they be put under the lights? Rep1 to all posters