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  1. C

    RIP Happy Wellness Center

    i'v been going to this place from the second week they opened. it was a nice spot, good selection and below avg price. Sad to see they got raided, but its what happens when you don't fallow the local law. The girl they have in custody ( Keila ) was really laid back and cool to talk with along...
  2. C

    Anyone going to the Expo this weekend in SJ 28-30th

    i only have time to go on Sunday. Hope its not going to be like every other Expo and shit is all sold out by the last day. IF anyone goes on fri/sat please let me know how it is/was
  3. C

    confused on what lighting

    Hello all!! I am confused on what lighting i should get. i have been reading these forums for the last few weeks/ month i have never tried an indoor type grow before. i would mostly throw some seeds in some soil and add a few nut's and add water ect. just screw around outdoors and see...
  4. C

    CFL sale at Walmart

    If you are from the northern California area ( i dont know if the same deal is in other states) and have a Walmart near by. ( which who doesnt ) they are having a sale on their " lights of America " brand bulbs. cost is .97 cents each. last week i saw them and they where 1.49$ i picked up 12...
  5. C

    maybe someone can help me

    i have gone to see 3 of the doctors that are recomended that give the mecical Rec but i'm not able to get a medical rec in order to go into the co-ops. but they will give me an RX for sleeping pills and ritalin for my ADD. lol The doctor that diagnosed me with ADD and Dyslexia when i was a...
  6. C

    how much will a system cost per month to run....

    I know i am new to this site. But i have seen a few posts about people who are shocked when they see their electric bill at the end of the month after they start their first grow. So below i will write down a formula so you can see what your new grow system will cost you per month before you...