Search results

  1. Justin00

    Need help changing user name.

    So after about 15 min I have been unable to find any where on the site to change your user name. Next i decided oh well i will just make a new account, I don't have that many friends that i can't request again and i could care less about rep or post counts. That also failed since apparently...
  2. Justin00

    What are you looking for when you start a topic in "politics"

    What are you looking for as far as responses when you start a topic in the politics section? for me it's number 2. Thanks for voting, now please use the following space to post funny political comics it you have some.
  3. Justin00

    Tips for Cubes?

    ok so, me and my brother got a little to excited and picked the biggest 4 mushies we had (only about an inch 1 or 2) either way it was only about 2.5 grams each. Neither of us felt anything, i have never tried them before and my brother not since early high school so i didn't want to take much...
  4. Justin00

    RIU's Guide to Choosing the Perfect Strain for you!

    Hello and welcome to the exciting world of growing your own medication and/or entertainment. Below are links to basic growing guides to give you a feel for the processes and the terminology used by cannabis farmers. 1 link 2 link 3 link 4 link 5 link Now that you have a general idea of what we...
  5. Justin00

    Flowering A Mother?

    I am about to flower one of my mothers and i have never flowered a plant this size so any tips will be welcome. The strain is Super Lemon Haze (SLH pheno#2) and right now i have her in a 5 gal bucket DWC with a 8" net pot. The base of the stem is 1.5" thick and she is about 24" tall off the...
  6. Justin00

    "Women and Children"

    Does anyone else not see it as blatantly sexist when we (news, politicians,.. everyone) group "women with children" separately from men in what is obviously considered to be a lesser and more defenseless category. I just find it odd that this expression is used so widely on such a large scale...
  7. Justin00

    Interisting Hermi Situation

    Sooo round b4 last i had a hermi plant dew to a light leak and i chopped it and finished the rest out. i had some clones from the plant that looked really good so i figure wth ill flower them and see if i can get them not to hermi. so i flower them and eliminate the light leaks and sure...
  8. Justin00

    WTB Dislike Button & a Douchebag Bar (like the rep bar)

    Title says it all, i can't tell you how many time i see people either giving out bad info, or just trolling the forums ragging on everyone looking for someone to argue with. It's not easy to call them out then and there because thats exactly what they are looking for,... someone to argue with...
  9. Justin00

    I Want to Grow Mushrooms - Need Some Info

    Ok so I started researching growing shrooms and have a few questions. for one i have already ordered and have my syringes of the Burma strain. but i am curious the differences in strains, there were like 15 - 20 different strains that looked slightly different. Do they have different effects...
  10. Justin00

    Looking for new Nutrients -

    I am currently using the techniflora line of nutes and have been very pleased with them but they seem very expensive considering the amount it takes grow a plant from clone to harvest. Can anyone recommend a cheaper alternative that works well?
  11. Justin00

    First time SCROG Question?

    i put my scrog into flower 6 days ago and put the tops under the screen last 8 days ago. now 6 days into flower the tops are 4-6 inches above the screen. i expect 5-7 more days until flowers begin to show and vertical growth slows down. so at about 1/2-3/4 inch per day growth i am expecting...
  12. Justin00

    DWC Scrog Help and Tips?

    Im doing 6 plants in an 18 gallon DWC res and would like to scrog them but im apprehensive and confused about how to do res changes. Typically i swap reservoirs ever 2 weeks or so mixing up a fresh batch on nutes and taking the old one to wash before reusing it. Its pretty easy just to lift...
  13. Justin00

    Too Much UV-B Light Damaging to Plants?

    before i post my big long explanation of the entire situation for everyone to dredge thru ill ask the question short and sweet first. Can UV-B lights damage your plants? (2 UV-B-10 CFLs @ about 6 inches from tops)
  14. Justin00

    Closing thread question

    why was the hottest chicks thread closed? apparently for the 5th time? there were links in there to 2 different hottest guys threads that are still not trying to say anything about your personal preference but at least be fair. and give a reason. sry if i made anyone mad i was...
  15. Justin00

    Fog Cloner Failure - Looking for Tips

    I have had a lot of success with cloning so far but i changed it up a lot this time just for fun. Until a few days ago i was at 100% clone rate after about 36 clones. using rockwool and roottech gel with a jiffy tray and plastic cover under 1 23 watt CFL 6500k. Anyways.......... A few nights...
  16. Justin00

    Lacking Potency!

    So i finished curing my 2oz from 3 plants from my first ever grow, they were grown in soil with CFLs and looked very healthy right up untill harvest. i harvested one at 8 weeks, one and 8.5 and one at 9 weeks after 12/12. they were bag seed but are much less potent then the weed they came from...
  17. Justin00

    Flowering Period Light and Dark Times

    well im wondering why we limit ourselves to strictly 24 hours rotations. has anyone ever experimented with a 14/12 or 16/12 or even 18/12? i have always heard that is a 12 hour dark period that induces flowering but never have seen anyone try anything other than a 12 hour light period. i...
  18. Justin00

    How long can you keep the same mother?

    i want to get some mothers going from the top $ seeds i bought, but i heard turning clones into mothers can reduce there genetic quality (just stuff i have heard, doesn't really make sense but), so im wondering how i can or should keep my original mothers b4 i raise new ones
  19. Justin00

    First time Hydro Issues - DWC

    So its my second grow and i decided to do half my plants in a DWC and its not working out as well as i had hoped. All seeds were germinated at the same time and planted on the same day into Jiffy Peat balls (will not be using these again). I will post about the whole set up if needed but if...