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  1. scott1M

    checking run off when groing in soil

    hi there, any help would be great.. im using AN nutes sensi bloom a,b, bigbud, bud candy, overdrive, rhizotoninc and cannazime.. ive been feed, feed, water and checking the run off each time i water or feed them, everything is below ec 2.0.. But the problem is they dont seem to be doing much (im...
  2. scott1M

    one fingered leaves on clones

    can someone helpout wiv this problem ive come across.. since taking these clone ive notice the new growth coming through has like 3 or just 1 leaf??.. i know they had a bit of a nute lockout at some point in the last crop is there anyway i can pull these around.. thanks
  3. scott1M

    help with a bit of wiring

    im building a room in my attic in which i plan to run 2x600 hps, fan controller (ex-fan,inlet), blow fan, 2x cfls for mother and probogation, well theres probley about 8 plugs over all needed to safe guard.. how do i wire straight off my ring main with its own 30 amp breaker switch or can i go...
  4. scott1M

    how long left? super lemon haze

    t hinking of starting to flush these 2 weeks prior to harvest but not sure if i can go another week of nuets then flush for 2 weeks.. they 8 and a half weeks through flower.. any help would be greatful..
  5. scott1M

    how long left??

    thinking of flushing these out for 2 weeks. they super lemon haze and they been flowering 8 and a half weeks. was woundering if to let them go another week of feed then flush for 2 weeks or go flush right away...any help would be greatful..cheers