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  1. M

    Help on first outdoor grow 2016

    Ok here's my situation. I got a late start on my outdoor grow, which is also my first outdoor grow. I basically put a couple of rooted clones into the ground around the first of June. So my question is how do I go about getting vigorous growth on such small plants in a small amount of time? Is...
  2. M

    Help me understand this please

    Now like all the other newbies I have jars and jars of grassy smelling weed when I burp it smells great but the autual nuggets don't have the same smell but my thing is this. The 1st day I started harvest I cut too much down I got lazy and left a few branches to dry with no manicure so thru out...
  3. M

    How late is to late?

    I want to sit some plants I already have vegging indoors, outside If I set them out august 15 is it still early enough to get 8 weeks of bloom time?(will they bloom properly) I'm in Michigan by the way...
  4. M

    Leaves turning brown & deteriorating PLEASE HELP!!!!!(SEE PICS)

    Ok here we go... The 1st problem that I'm seeing the most is the browning of the leaves that's in pics 1 2 and 4. The second issue which is on 2 different plants is entire stems dying (pics 5-6) but not to a crisp where I can pull them off, and the 3rd issue is the deteriorating of the leaf...
  5. M

    Leaves turning brown & deteriorating PLEASE HELP!!!!!(SEE PICS)

    Ok here we go... The 1st problem that I'm seeing the most is the browning of the leaves that's in pics 1 2 and 4. The second issue which is on 2 different plants is entire stems dying (pics 5-6) but not to a crisp where I can pull them off, and the 3rd issue is the deteriorating of the leaf...
  6. M

    Brown leaves please help!!!!

    Ok here we go... The 1st problem that I'm seeing the most is the browning of the leaves that's in pics 1 2 and 4. The second issue which is on 2 different plants is entire stems dying (pics 5-6) but not to a crisp where I can pull them off, and the 3rd issue is the deteriorating of the leaf...
  7. M

    Leaves turning brown & deteriorating PLEASE HELP!!!!!(SEE PICS)

    Ok here we go... The 1st problem that I'm seeing the most is the browning of the leaves that's in pics 1 2 and 4. The second issue which is on 2 different plants is entire stems dying (pics 5-6) but not to a crisp where I can pull them off, and the 3rd issue is the deteriorating of the leaf...
  8. M

    Soil Mix Help

    Hello fellow rollitupers I just want a Lil input from all the well seasoned soil growers. I'm currently using 1 part promix professional and 1 part ff ocean forest from start to finish with no nutes in veg and it's been working great for me. My thing is im looking to expand my grow and that ff...
  9. M

    Co2 first timer please help

    This may be a silly question but work with please... So I finally got my tank and regulator all hooked and ran nice so I go for a test run and can't tell wether it's working or not as far as if the co2 is coming out or not so can some1 tell me how I can be sure that there's actually co2 going in...
  10. M

    C02 regulator question

    <B>Hello all I'm looking to add co2 to my grow room but I'm running a little low on watts/amps. I'm running 1800 watts of light along with a/c ventilation and all the extras on 3 20amp breakers and i really dont wanna max out. so far I'm doing good but on all my searches I keep seeing 120v for...
  11. M

    Co2 regulator question

    Hello all I'm looking to add co2 to my grow room but I'm running a little low on watts/amps. I'm running 1800 watts of light along with a/c ventilation and all the extras on 3 20amp breakers and i really dont wanna max out. so far I'm doing good but on all my searches I keep seeing 120v for the...
  12. M

    Co2 regulator question

    Hello all I'm looking to add co2 to my grow room but I'm running a little low on watts/amps. I'm running 1800 watts of light along with a/c ventilation and all the extras on 3 20amp breakers and i really dont wanna max out. so far I'm doing good but on all my searches I keep seeing 120v for the...
  13. M

    Super cropping

    Ok guys u got me thru my 1st grow an insured everything would be ok if I listened to u and u were right I had next to a perfect 1st grow quality wise with not 1 complaint. So it seems I would be ok the 2nd time right? Nope quality was great but I only produced a lil more then a oz per plant. So...
  14. M

    Harvest aroma and scent

    Hello all I've reached my first harvest and I,m worried that something is gonna go wrong (as I've been sense she was just a clone) :lol: . Towards the end of bloom I got indecisive about rather I was gonna go 8 or 9 weeks. I ended up going 8 at the last minute which means I only got 1 week of...