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  1. weedman2

    3 Female plants!!

    Hey guys i have here 3 female plants. Like a dumbass i forgot the week of flowering im in probably 4-5 weeks, not sure. Anyone guessing what weeks they look? how much longer should i go? PLANT #1 PLANT #2 PLANT #3 (OG)
  2. weedman2

    Did i do something wronge

    Hey guys i started my flowering about 2 weeks ago! no buds just getting some white hairs. well while i was in week 1 in a half i topped it? was i supposed to not top it since it was flowering? the very top has 2 more branches growing where i toped and its getting crystals on them. Help will be...
  3. weedman2

    Second grow!!!

    hey guys this is my second grow and here are the pics... the plant is 1 week old and 1 day...How does my little plant look:bigjoint:.
  4. weedman2

    My little Plant

    whats up guys well this plant is like a month and something old, probobly almost 2 well its starting to show a lot of white hairs so are the pics... o the other branch broke ya thats why it looks weird...
  5. weedman2


    damn guys one of my tops broke but it still hanging...can i still save the top or will it grow back or will the plant die..
  6. weedman2

    How does this sound???

    Im planning on getting a HPS...250 to 400 watt...but how much will the lights bill go up planning on using for maybe 18/6...
  7. weedman2

    what happens if i top my plant wrong

    what will happen if i top my plant wrong???
  8. weedman2

    First Grow!!!!

    Hey guys well heres my little beautiful plant i hope it becomes a female cause im using fox Farm ocean forest but using cfl heres are some pics.... so watcha guys am i doing...can i now start using fert i have this one the plant is 2 weeks old...
  9. weedman2

    my friends plant doesnt look good

    hey guys well my friends plant isnt doing so good any way how i could make it bushier and get more leafes around....i was thinking about topping it but i already started the 12/12 today is it too late....