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  1. I

    When could I get smokable bud?

    If i start my plants indoors (Master Kush) and then transplant them outdoors in month, would it be possible to get bud by late August? Any techniques to shortening the time it takes? Thanks and I know this is a 'stupid' question, but hey that's what Newbie central is for....
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    Nutes/Ferts in the UK!

    I've been reading up through the forums on what I might need next, as I have my soil and seeds sorted for my first grow. Most people suggested 'Fox Farm' which is not easily available in the UK as far as I can see. So, what do you UK'ers use?
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    Eager to start

    I have my seeds and enough knowledge to start my first guerrilla grow. But damn UK weather is stopping me :( How much frost can a plant take? If i put them out mid march and they endure a couple hours of frost at night is that so bad? Or can they no handle any frost at all. Thanks :)...
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    How is this spot?

    Dense tree's, one house nearby but that's it, right by a motorway.(with cars going 70) If I find a nice clearing do you think that is secluded enough? Going to look around tomorrow for signs of people, e.g litter and see if it would get enough sunlight.
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    Planting straight outside

    Will I yield less if I plant straight outside instead of starting inside? It's just I would have to be stealthy indoors and can't afford a cupboard grow. Would I really get a lot less starting outside?
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    Does anyone know you grow?

    Have you told anyone? I think when I start my first grow (soon :-P) I may tell one reliable friend, but not tell him where I am growing. This way I won't feel so paranoid/secretive and I am less likely to just go blurting it out one day. Is this a bad idea? Have you told anyone? Bare in...
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    Starting inside then moving out

    I read a good technique is to start inside, and then plant outside for the main growing. So does this mean growing indoors for the seedling stage (1-4 weeks) then moving it out veg after it looks female? Or can I just plant it outside straight after germination? Also do I start with a...
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    First grow (guerrilla)

    I am thinking of starting my first grow after some more research, I originally planned an indoor grow but it would be unfair as I do not live by myself. So tonight I'm going to look around the woody area's 5 minutes away from my house to see if there are any nice spots. What conditions am I...
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    Will I need more lights?

    For my first PC case grow, will these be sufficient for one small in-soil plant? One for vegetation and one for flowering?
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    What am I missing

    I am building a pc grow box, for learning and to get a nice little bit of green for myself. I already have a large case with 2 fans, but I am not sure how to power it. Do I just use a normal PC power supply to power the fans? Ph tester and PH up and Down...
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    Need some advice on growing...

    Ok, my position is this. I am sick of having to deal with dealers and getting schwag, I want to grow my own personal plants and use in the privacy of my own house. I don't want the people I live with to find out. (Bear in mind I only want to grow 1 or 2 little plants at a time) My...