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    Checked FAQ, still a little confused. Diagnosis?

    Hey rollitup, I've tried diagnosing the problem before asking the question. The problem looks anywhere from phosphorus, zinc deficiencies to ph fluctuation. However I'm not really too sure. Here are 3 picture of 3 different plants. 1st one is the oldest, the next 2 are two of the same age...
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    Some people just don't have 'it'

    I might have to actually stop this hobby I've grown fond of. I hate quitting but, I think sometimes its better to stop before getting involved with more projects that fail and more money wasted. Patiently I've tried 3 attempts to grow in a stealth cabinet I made myself, It's a standard wooden...
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    My first grow is basically FUBAR'D! Pics that need advice.

    Well, its been week 2 and some days now. They've been through alot of trauma which is pretty much my fault. Over or underwatering, not sure which, the soil is always, always dry so there was a moment where I would keep the soil moist but not over watered (w/ the moisture meter). I was then told...
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    New born: already troubled. Need Quick Help Please (Pics Inside)

    Hey. Heres my set up. 76 Degree/30% humidity. atmosphere differs easily depending on when I squirt water. Oscillating fan over the 3 sprouts at all times on high to keep temperature to 76 and not reaching above 80 degrees. I water every time the moist measurer I have shows dry. so basically...
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    My seeds aren't sprouting...

    So I germinated 3 seeds and put them in their own cup with Fox Farm Oceans. I'm using 8 CFLs, 4 Daylight: 4Soft white. The cups are 6inches away from the light. I know plants should be within inches of CFL's but not even a couple hours and my soil dries up. I bought a moisture measurer to help...
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    An Easy and Cheap DYI CFL Setup!

    Here's what we need -1 Surge Protector -4(ish... Depending on how big the surge protector is) Light socket adapter plugs -4 (or as much adapters you bought) Twin Adapter -Some Caulking or -Nails and a Hammer And thats it. Procedure: (pretty simple stuff) 1) Caulk the surge protector...
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    Using a plain mirror as a reflector?

    This could work, couldn't it? I mean, that is what a mirror does is reflect images and lighting.
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    DYI carbon filter for PC fan (theory) [Need criticism]

    Hey, need a stealthy way to make my PC exhaust fan scrub air without anything poking out of the back of it. I was thinking for the exhaust fan to have a small box (cardboard) about the same size as the fan and shape, maybe bigger. The theory is: the box is hallowed out on the front and back so...
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    Mix My Soil Thread

    Well, this is what I have to work with Bone Meal 6-12-0 Blood Meal 12-0-0 Perlite Scott's Topsoil I couldn't find the worm castings at wally world. Sooo, I'm highly ignorant with mixing soil, so if anyone here knows of a good part:part ratio blend I'd be more than happy to hear it. Preferably...
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    Wiring CPU fans to 9v adapter Question (w/ pics)

    How goes, I'm about finished with an experiment, I had a newb question I needed sorted before I continue: Will it be fine, voltage/electrical wise, if I wire 5 CPU 60CFM fans all into one 9v adapter? I'm not electrician savvy so if someone could give me a confirmed yes or no I'd highly...
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    5 Cpu fans + 1 9v adapter = ?

    How goes, I'm about finished with an experiment, I had a newb question I needed sorted before I continue: Will it be fine, voltage/electrical wise, if I wire 5 CPU 60CFM fans all into one 9v adapter? I'm not electrician savvy so if someone could give me a confirmed yes or no I'd highly...
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    Ideal CFL type: Daylight, Cool, White light?

    I was thinking about getting 27w Daylight CFLs x8 for a box I'm currently building but I came across different kinds of bulbs and decided to wait before buying something I might not like. So I was hoping someone could throw down some info with the differences between cool, white light and...
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    Identify this light please!

    Hello, just wondering what this light is... I got it for free (along with two other fixtures), I'm going to use it for a CFL box. It came with this light but I'm not sure if its a loooooow wattage MH or not. Anyways, any answers would help. Thanks. (sorry for the poor quality, I have a RAZR)
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    90w CFL Grow Light socket question

    Where can someone get a standard socket/light fixture for a 90w CFL Grow light? Is there somewhere like a Walmart that has one? Or maybe a Lowes, you know a standard home improvement store. I've asked around at each store, none of which is helpful. I was planning on going to Ace hardware again...
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    Using 400w HPS w/ CFL grow

    Just a quick question, I was browsing around for some ideas since I shall be constructing a neat little stealth box of my own, I'll make sure to post the pictures when its done. Anyways, I was thinking, usually poor ganja growers often go CFL since they can't afford the ventilation or the...
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    CFL Grow Box: Chime in!!

    Hey fellas, Well, I've been shopping around for all the major appliances and I'm about done. Gotta e40 socket to find, seems like they're impossible to find!! But I made this little thread to ask you guys what would be an inexpensive but highly effective box I should make. I figured I should buy...
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    Growbox: 400w MH & HPS or CFL

    Hello, I'm about to build my first box. Well, I bought 2 bulbs so far: 400w Metal Halide & High Pressure Sodium. I have no ballast and they are extremely expensive to set up. I dunno what I was thinking. As I hopped on this website I saw multiple growers using CFLs. So, my question is.. which...