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  1. FloridaRasta

    Is curing really that important? +rep for help

    My auto kush has been drying for 1 day now and I'm curious if it's necessary to cure after they are dry. What does curing do for the buds that would make me want to wait an extra week or so to smoke it?
  2. FloridaRasta

    Am I ready to flower?

    My auto kush has been flowering for 8 weeks and 1 day today so I wondering if I can cut it. It still has a few white pistols on it but the vast majority are brown. Also I'm out of bud so it would be nice to get right to drying. Will REP+ for advice
  3. FloridaRasta

    When to add flower nutes?

    My auto kush plant is 4 weeks old today on 420 and I can see the beginning of the flowering stage happening already. The soil I have feeds plants up to 3 months but should I add bloom nutes or just let the pre mixed nutes do their thing all the way through?
  4. FloridaRasta

    Should I flower now? (picture included)

    My auto kush plant is 2 weeks old or so and this is my first auto grow so I'm not sure when to make it bloom. I will REP+ for advice
  5. FloridaRasta

    When to flower automatic kush? Will REP for help

    This is my first auto grow and my plant just popped its shell off this morning. How long should I wait until I start feeding it bloom nutrients? Also its an outdoor grow, not sure if that matters though. I will REP+ anyone with advice.
  6. FloridaRasta

    Lighting advice for auto afghan + auto kush (hindu)

    This is my first time growing auto flowering plants and would like to know if they will be fine outdoors if I plant them in may/june. Do they literally start flowering no matter how much light they get? Any info would be great.
  7. FloridaRasta

    Kush harvest with white mold. Can I smoke?

    I know mold in the lungs is nasty. I'm a personal trainer/martial artist and greatly rely on my lung power for my daily life so I'll dismiss my entire harvest if need be, but I really want to burn down on this beautiful Vanilla Kush if I can. The mold isn't very noticeable and you can only see...
  8. FloridaRasta

    Spider mites on kush plant - should I harvest?

    My vanilla kush is 7.5 weeks into flowering and I saw 1 or 2 spider mites crawling around on my buds a few minutes ago. I sampled a few buds at 6.5 weeks and it was so potent I could barely take a blunt to the head, and I'm a heavy smoker. So, being my first grow, should I chop her down and hope...
  9. FloridaRasta

    When to flush Vanilla Kush? - my first harvest

    My outdoor VK will be 6 weeks into flowering tomorrow and Im using all organic fertilizers (Bat Guano & molasses). I'm planning on harvesting at 9 weeks like the seedbank says so when should I flush? I'm a rookie grower so I need some tips, thanks:-P
  10. FloridaRasta

    Do organic grows need to be flushed?

    I'm using Bat Guano & molasses so do I still need to flush before harvest? I understand the importance of flushing but I never used any chemicals for the soil, therefore I dont imagine there being any salt buildup and whatnot. Any tips would be great:leaf:
  11. FloridaRasta

    Nitrogen deficiency in late flowering - need help

    My vanilla kush leaves are yellowing and it has been flowering for 5 weeks. Im using jamaican bat guano & molasses right now but Im thinking of adding some mexican bat guano for more nitro. I could use some advice if anyone knows how to mix these nuts. Peace:leaf:
  12. FloridaRasta

    Messed up light cycle a few time...should I worry?

    My kush plant is 4 weeks into flowering and I cut the light out late by a half hour 2 days in a row and once by an hour when it was 2 weeks into flowering. Is this anything to worry about or should I just make sure I don't eff up again? This is my first grow all the way thru and a hermie would...
  13. FloridaRasta

    Funny light schedule can flower kush :)

    I'm an outdoor grower, and somehow I became stuck on a schedule where I cover it at 5pm and remove the cover at 6:30am every morning (I wake up at 6am or earlier every morning anyhow) and the plant is pumping out some hardcore resinous, sticky & smelly buds. I feed it Bat Guano w/ all natural...
  14. FloridaRasta

    Afghan Kush Special grow

    Hey, friends. I have 1 free AK special seed from worldwide-mj-seeds that just popped out of soil this morning. I'm curious if anyone here has grown this strain and how the yield/buds turned out. The website said high medicinal value and >20% THC but I would rather hear that from a real person...
  15. FloridaRasta

    Feeding kush with molasses outdoors - advice needed

    My vanilla kush is 2 weeks into flowering and I'm wondering how much and how often I should feed it molasses. Is it 1-2 tsp or tbsp per gal? And do I add it every watering (I water every day) or every other? I've been feeding it 2 tbsp of Jamaican bat guano once a week during the 2 weeks of...
  16. FloridaRasta

    Long dark cycles for kush plant

    My Vanilla Kush has been flowering for 5 days and has already began showing some pistils. I take it out of my greenhouse and put a large black grill cover over it at night from 5pm - 6-630am. Is this ok, or should I keep the cycle at an exact 12/12?
  17. FloridaRasta

    Flowering Outdoor Vanilla Kush

    My VK is about 6-7 inches and I want to begin flowering. What are the best methods to force flower an outdoor plant? Black trash bags? Upside down garbage can? I don't want to start until I know of the most efficient way to go about doing this. Any replies are appreciated.
  18. FloridaRasta

    Why does she look so sad? (droopy leaves)

    What can be causing this problem? Overwatering I think...but I'm not positive. I'm not feeding her yet because she's in great soil. The pot is heavy, but I still don't know if that really matters. Comments are appreciated cause I'm baffled :wall: (PS the CFL's are about 2 inches away from the...
  19. FloridaRasta

    Anybody ever see leaves grow like this? What's the deal?

    This is my Vanilla Kush seedling. Growing more and more at a good pace every day...but these leaves are tripping me out! Will it start producing normal leaves during veg? If anyone has dealt with a plant like this before...please let me know what I should expect ;-)
  20. FloridaRasta

    Seedling growing one new leaf??? Help please!

    I've been growing vanilla kush for 21 days from seed now and the first 2 pointy leaves developed fine but there is only one leaf growing now with no signs of another one following. I had my plant outside, but due to overcast and thunderstoms I moved it under some CFL's on 2 powerstrips in my...