Search results

  1. G

    Flaming Pie...

    Has her own thread now... feel free to fill it with pics.. (eta.... not sure if the pics are working this am.. tried to upload a few... no luck..)
  2. G

    Sanjay's Weed Part 2

    Sanjay's back at it again... eating his own words... again.. Weed part 1 Part 2 will be released Tuesday... on CNN (7pm+ pst)
  3. G

    Cop cuffs firefighter over a parking space...

    Position of power... do what I said! While responding to a Tuesday night rollover accident in Chula Vista, Calif., a police officer and firefighter got into a dispute over where the fire engine should park. It ended with the uniformed firefighter in handcuffs. The California Highway...
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    Obama: ...I smoked pot as a kid, and I view it as a bad habit and a vice," he tells ' President Obama says marijuana use is no more dangerous than alcohol, though he regards it as a bad habit he hopes his children will avoid. "As has been well documented, I smoked pot as a kid, and I...
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    Wood Carvers?

    This is a repost.. but.. it's been a few months.. so.. Any wood carvers?
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    New herb grinder...

    I was given a herb grinder by my grow mentor about 3 years ago.. cheap thin small herb grinder called a mendo mulcher. Way to think for my hands to grasp and R.A makes it dang near impossible in the early am to grab this thing.. Been shopping for a new one for awhile.. and have finally got...
  7. G

    What did you learn today?

    Every day I learn or try to learn something new.. be it a religious thing or a historic thing or just some random factoid.. Today I went to my grow mentors house.. he handed me about 4 wisteria seeds.. So I learned about wisteria today.. and how to grow it manage it etc.. I also learned the...
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    Where do you normally hang out? Top Areas Of Posting

    Top Areas Of Posting Toke N Talk5,452Outdoor Growing915Cooking With Cannabis663Music122Politics109Concentrates and Extracts96Spirituality & Sexuality & Philosophy94Medicating81Newbie Central61Harvesting And Curing56General Marijuana Growing49Technology / Science40California Patients39Marijuana...
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    Name em movie style..

    Name your 1st love Your Current love and your worst day with a movie title..or song title.. 1st love- Brown Eyed girl.. Your Current love- It's a wonderful life and your worst day -Down in a hole
  10. G

    How Tough are you??

    ok.. took me 4 times got to about 25 secs the 1st time then 48 the sec.. about 1 min the 3.. 4th time got thru it..
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    This post is brought to you by the letter M or the WHAT IF? thread...

    for MEDIBLES... Ok.. what if... Annie Could not use any words today larger then 6 letters? would we be able to understand her posts? What if Joe Macclennan was a little person? would he ride his dogs like horses? what if Gioua was alergic to peanut butter? I'd use it like a topical salve
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    Those wacky pirates... US Army steals 180 mil

    The US Army was recently caught pirating $180 million in software from a company named Apptricity. The Army ended up settling out of court for $50 million, which essentially meant a 73% discount on what it would have paid for Apptricity's services under fair circumstances. Lissette Padilla...
  13. G

    Random stories and mutterings. I felt needed a new thread.. so here is that thread...

    In Groton Ct we had access to a local abandoned YMCA area.. it was turned into a historical site.. Called Gungywamp. anyhow..... we were 15 going on 16 (sounds like that intro to stand by me..) .. a gaggle of us kids were planning on spending the night at this location.. knowing our folks...
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    Stoner Haiku's

    Puffing on my pipe Looking like Gandalf the great got me some pipe weed
  15. G

    Yes... another Vaporizer thread...

    I have only used the whip based vapes.. disliked the pull/drag from it.. felt it was ineffective.. I am interested in a dry vape pen.. for under 50$ with whatever add ons accessories etc I know nothing about them.. but here is what I am looking for.. under 50$ dry herb only ( I don't use...
  16. G

    Well what did you get/give?

    gave to kids son gets crap load of vid games nerf gun marbles tablet -from folks clothes Daughter gets Tablet Smart phone with data clothes (will add as I remember... lol) so far.. we have gotten new big toaster for bagels.. new coffee pot stuff I cant recall yet..
  17. G

    Twas the Night before Christmas.. and all through Toke and Talk..

    'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through toke and talk Not a Roll it up user was stirring, not even Clints mouse; The Baggies were hung by the chimney with care, In hopes that Doube JJ soon would be there; The RIU members were nestled all snug in their beds, While visions of canna...
  18. G

    Your Christmas..?

    My Folks started a tradition which I have learned is not as rare as I had thought a few years back.. The day the Christmas tree is brought into the house there is an elf attached to it.. he reports back to the santa how the kids were.. etc.. if they were good they get a gift (but they have to...
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    getting error

    generally happening when I move from thread to pm's or likes/rep etc. runs to the very top header area. Warning: Declaration of vB_ProfileBlock_vBSEOLikes::block_is_enabled() should be compatible with that of vB_ProfileBlock::block_is_enabled() in...
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    Karls Back. The Moaning of Life... 1-18-2014

    Love the series..