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  1. sputniknz

    About those hermaphrodite's......

    I have 2 plants that have pistils everywhere, and im concerned now that i may have had light leaks, causing it to veg for so long. However even at this late stage i see nothing but pistils all over the plant.... the plants sexed about 2 weeks ago (at the same time).... both girls are covered in...
  2. sputniknz


    I was hoping someone could list some reasons why a plant (auto lowryder 2) will not flower even when switched to 12/12. I have a 70+ day old plant that wont bud, pistils everywhere but still no bud. I have been on 12/12 for 4 days. 600whps, Soil, Soil Ph - 7.... anymore info needed just ask...
  3. sputniknz

    PH, Lime...... Help please :P

    Ok... i have learnt something today, love it! My tap water ph is 8. After i add my nute's it goes down to 5.5. When i collect the runnoff the ph is about 7-7.2. Im having problems with flowering, and after lurching on this forum i have heard that some plants will struggle into flowering if...
  4. sputniknz

    RIU, GOOGLE..... your posts arent just on this site!!!

    If you use a handle on RIU that you use elswhere on the web try this.... Google your RIU nickname, go through the results and see how many steps it takes before you get to personally identifiable information..... Why doesnt RIU close the posts section so that they cant be indexed or...
  5. sputniknz

    A little experiment and a couple of things i noticed.

    I tried making my own acidic mix of food for my plants, i havent used it yet, and dont know if i will. But while doing it i noticed something about acids. I used coffee grounds and tomatoes. I blended about 2 cup fulls of coffee grounds (used), with two whole tomatoes, and a cup of warm...
  6. sputniknz

    Need help, lots of pics...... something is wrong.

    Ok so here are the pics..... I dont keep a journal or calendar, but i can say that something im doing has caused this.... Recently gave the plants some epsom salts, noticed a small improvement but nothing substantial... someone showed me those posters, it looked like an iron deficiency but...
  7. sputniknz

    Please help....with pics!

    Ok you see the picture... Here is the situation. 30 days, Lowryder Auto #1, 600w HPS, temp range min=75f max=85f, humid=not sure, but about average, Lights=18/6,Soil is good quality Tui Tomato Mix with Castings and Perlite. Just gave them some epsom salts 1 week ago to correct...
  8. sputniknz

    Is it a boy???

    Ok, i have 3 plants, 1 is definately a girl, one is to young to tell..... but the thrid is why i am posting... If i could get a pic i would but what i am talking about is pretty small, and my camera aint very good... So, i see what looks like a calyx, and when i look really close i see a...
  9. sputniknz

    Nitrogen alternatives

    Ok so i know that you can use: Coffee grounds - But they are acidic and affect the Ph levels Urine - But i cant bare the thought Anybody know of any other, round the house, alternatives for N?
  10. sputniknz

    Is this any good for getting rid of smells???

    Ionic Pro Air Purifier Excellent Condition A silent, safe, and easy to use air purifier to clean the air inside your home. * Traps airborne allergens like pollen, smoke, dust, and pet dander * Traps particles as small as 1 micron * Energy efficient and inexpensive to operate...
  11. sputniknz

    Ona - Odour Control.... +rep for help

    I am either blind in one eye or blind in both, coz as much as i try i cant find any threads about "Ona" odour control products.... Has anyone used? Does it work? How much? etc etc.... Come on, somebody must know something about it.....
  12. sputniknz

    Autoflower not autolflowering...Help noob pls +rep for advice

    Ok, day 22 and my auto lowryders havent auto'd, or shown any sign of sex. Im going to leave them for another week just incase....but if they havent started to flower by then should i drop the light schedule from 18/6 to 12/12 to try and force it???? I dont want to do this coz ive read that this...
  13. sputniknz

    Marijuana trees... Perennial, why not?

    If they can cross with a ruderalis to make an auto flower, why couldnt they find a way to make MJ a perennial? If this was done, it would be impossible to control MJ production worldwide. Trees growing everywhere, or is it just a dream?
  14. sputniknz

    Will it survive??? HELP

    I have a bean that just looks sick.. Will it live?
  15. sputniknz

    Question about Auto's & Nutrients?

    Ok this is real noob but its Newbie Central so no shame lol ... From what im reading nutrients dont come till later in the grow, because of nutrients in the soil. Depending on soil mix, 2 to 3 weeks im getting. If you have say a mix of Castings and ordinary Potting Mix and Perlite with a...
  16. sputniknz

    Dry Ice = Co2 = YES? or NO?

    I have access to dry ice in small amounts. So i ask- The "smoke" that you see coming of dry ice is Co2 gas right? If so, could i direct that smoke to my grow room to up the Co2 levels? Has anyone tried it, i searched RIU but found nothing :(
  17. sputniknz

    Roll/Bowl/Vape/Pipe - Whats your preference?

    Im curious, how do you do it? Im a roller, always have been always will.
  18. sputniknz

    This might sound stupid.

    Ok, lights. Some have the right spectrum some dont. Some are best some are good some are just plain bad. Why? oh... they dont emit the right wavelength. Or, too much blue not enough red. Or too much red not enough blue etc. Well, If i had a cfl bulb which is good for blue and no hps, and...
  19. sputniknz

    How are my little ones...?

    The shorter one (#1) WAS bigger than the other by far, it slowed down and the other one has taken over. Am noticing the very tips have a brown tinge. Do they look ok? Lowryder Auto's In: Soil: Potting Mix/Castings, Perlite - 40/30/30 Under: 600w HPS 1 week old.
  20. sputniknz

    During the seedling stage.....

    After talking to a friend today i have a question. I understand the light cycle is valde maximus. But during the first 4 days (say 3 inches) if you dont keep a strict light cycle in terms of short on's and short off's, or periods of lower and higher light, does it mean you could pretty much...