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  1. truckin

    Browning edges and slow growth (lots of pics)

    These have been in veg for over a month. Recently repotted from Dixie cups, growth seems to be very slow, maybe stunted and some of the edges look like they're burning. I was giving them nutes in the dixie cup and they were doing fine, but have not given them any nutes since repotting a week...
  2. truckin

    Slow growth after repotting?

    My two plants were doing good before being repotted, but they were in dixie cups and soon growth stunted. I figured this was due to being root bound and transplanted them into 2 gal pots. Growth resumed after about two days but now it's very slow (been 5 days since repotting). Some of the...
  3. truckin

    Shock after transplant?

    My plants were rootbound for about two weeks (yeah, yikes!) I transplanted it to fresh soil two days ago and watered them good. The plant is no longer wilting and the leaves aren't pointing up anymore.. but there's no new growth and some leaves are yellowing/dying at the tip. Although I think...
  4. truckin

    Stunted growth and leaves curling 'up' like Mg deficiency

    Symptoms: Stunted growth - it literally just halted. It was going at a great rate last week. Lower leaves turning yellow then dying. This is moving up the plant (very) slowly. Some leaf tips are yellow, but barely. Plant isn't withering and doesn't look limp or weak SOME leaves' edges are...
  5. truckin

    Help! Metal Halide just stopped turning on!

    It's only about two months old. Has been on an 18/6 timer since I had it. This one is a 400W Growbright MH conversion bulb in a 400W HPS ballast (not digital, not switchable). It worked fine yesterday, turned off shortly before I went to sleep. I woke up at 8, it should have been on hours...
  6. truckin

    Why does bubbler water get cloudy?

    Is it a microorganism? What causes non-stagnant water to become yellowish/cloudy in a DWC bubbler?
  7. truckin

    1st soil grow, 2 wks in - slow growth/nute burn? (PICS)

    How are these looking @ 2 weeks in soil under a 600w MH? I recently transplanted them and the bigger one's leaves seem to be starting to point up and lose color? One's leaves is turning yellow from the bottom up. The small one seems to be doing OK, but this is two weeks in! The leaves were...
  8. truckin

    Algae.. pic

    Two questions.. 1) Does algae harm the roots/plant? 2) Would plastic cups that allow SOME light thru as opposed to say, duct-tape, be enough to handle this problem? I'm not so concerned about this cup as I am about a DWC I'm building. Peace.
  9. truckin

    Need a consult - yellowing leaves turn brown, and plant always droopy

    One plant is always droopy, no matter how much I water or dry the soil. The other one has leaves which turn a brilliant yellow, and eventually brown/burned, starting at the tips moving towards the center. Both seem to be growing, but very slow. I did not give them any nutes (there was prob...
  10. truckin

    On the bright side, it's growing new roots, and the yellow spots faded away

    Any hope for this plant? It was turning yellow fast, so I stuck it in pH-neutral water with some h2o2 and it's back to green, with new root and tiny leaf growth.
  11. truckin

    Hanging 30lb reflector/bulb from sheetrock?

    Weight is about 30lb, give or take 5lb. It might move a little or vibrate from an oscillating fan in the room. The entire room is made of sheetrock, and there IS space after the sheetrock, but no beam/stud for me to comfortably mount things on. I have toggle bolts, and plastic anchors...
  12. truckin

    Tiny plants dying - twisting yellow/dying leaves - high pH? (PICS)

    For the first one, I poured some hydrogen peroxide on it a few hours ago.. no real change? The rest are getting worse, fast.. This began with one plant, but after watering, the rest started showing symptoms. No nutes, miracle gro soil - but it's from houseplants.. which had manure in them...
  13. truckin

    How are these doing? They're about 10 days old

    One plant has curled up leaves with some browning on the tips. I think the light was too close, as I moved it away and the brown tip isn't spreading. Some leaves have yellow outlines around the leaves.. I haven't given them nutes yet. I saturate them with water when the soil dries out.
  14. truckin

    My soil always gets "packed" after watering.. any tips?

    I take a pot, put soil in it without packing it down, it's fluffy and airy out of the bag (Miracle-Gro potting soil). I then poke a hole, stick in my germinated seed and cover lightly with water. This is fine, but what I noticed is, after a few weeks, when the plant (any plant) has matured...
  15. truckin

    L-Tryptophan, useful to spray on plants?

    Plants synthesize an important auxin (plant hormone) called Indole-3-acetic acid from tryptophan. I'm no botanist, but would watering or spraying 5-HTP/tryptophan have any significant effect on the plant? Auxin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Indole-3-acetic acid - Wikipedia, the free...
  16. truckin

    Nursing a houseplant back to health

    I have a houseplant (Dieffenbachia), which is near impossible to kill. Initially, I ignored it and it flourished, but my cat kept dropping it, breaking 90% of the leaves off. After some leaves grew back, I put it near a high power light to try to speed it back up to health, but that bleached...
  17. truckin

    Lo-pressure aeroponics?

    How does Cannabis respond to lo-pressure aeroponics? Most posts I see here are of hi-pressure systems, such as using pumps to spray the mist onto the plants. By lo-pressure, I mean using a fogger or humidifier.
  18. truckin

    Reasons for slow growth? (pics - do these look OK)

    Information * Bag seed (the weed sucked, but I don't smoke anymore. I'm growing the plant for aesthetics) * They are about 4-5 days old from germination * Humidity is around 50% * Temp is 75-80F * they are about 20 inches from a 600w MH for 18 hours, and 1" away from 3 24w CFLs for 6 hours...
  19. truckin

    Holy crap, they sprouted, now what?

    I have/had absolutely NO intention of growing weed. My friend said he can get a good deal on an 1/8th. Price was good, but the weed didn't get me high. It had seeds! Out of boredom, I took all 8 seeds, placed them between moist paper towels and let them sit on my computer monitor for 2 days. I...