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  1. n4alpaca


    I'm growing some bubblegum in peat moss, vermiculite and perlite under a 250W ceramic metal halide and I'm around 4-5 weeks into veg and the claw started about a week ago and I have no Idea why (my guess is over fert, but it's happening in new growth as well). I'm using Botanicare pure blend pro...
  2. n4alpaca

    need 2nd opinion

    I've been trying out DWC, but I haven't been extremely successful with at and I am currently (trying to) diagnosing a plant problem, but would like a second Opinion. I am currently feeding 30mL botanicare progro and 20mL their micros, liquid karma in a 4 gal bucket using the ratios found on the...
  3. n4alpaca

    Yellow patches?

    I'm on my 1st dwc and my plant is starting to get yellow patches on it and I'm having trouble controlling the pH of the water in the rez. I use about 5mL botanicare pure blend pro grow per 16000 mL water and just moved my seedling from soil to DWC a few days ago. Any advice on controlling the...
  4. n4alpaca

    safe growing temperatures

    So, its dropping to the low 50's high 40's night and low 60's during the day. The trichomes are somewhat cloudy and few amber. any suggestions? also what are the safe growing temperatures of marijuana (more specifically nirvana blackjack). I will post pictures tomorrow.
  5. n4alpaca

    supporting oasis grocubes.

    Would it be ok to support my 3/4 in oasis grow cubes in a 2 inch net pot with small stones? also what could I find outside that could act a medium and support the cubes (maybe moss?)?
  6. n4alpaca

    Nft question

    Do you think a 4.5in x 16.5in channel will be enough to hold the root system of one plant? What would you reccomend if it isn't? Thanks on advance
  7. n4alpaca

    First hydroponic grow coming soon

    Im going to be growing my first hydro grow in an nft channel system and I was wondering whether a 4.5 in by 16.5in channel would be enough to hold the root system of a plant from seedling to harvest time?
  8. n4alpaca

    Multimeter as a tds meter... perhaps

    I think that it would be feasible that if one had a good multimeter, it would be possible to tell the ppm and EC of a nutrient solution or even tap water after receiving the impedance (resistance) readings and using a little math. Starting with the electrodes exactly (or as exact as one might...
  9. n4alpaca

    8 weeks into flowering.

    My blackjack plant has developed some issues such as the leaves taking on a sand papery texture and some leaf tissue turning dark brown/black and the veins staying green/yellow (yellow before leaf death) and leaves curling down. I tried correcting the pH, but it didn't do much good. Should I...
  10. n4alpaca

    Harvest or not?

    I looked at the pics in that post that told me when to harvest and think maybe I should harvest, but I would very much like another opinion.
  11. n4alpaca

    NFT check please

    This is a "pocket sized" nft capable of growing two plants at one time built from stuff I have around my house (a lil extra from home depot) So, is there anything that looks like it could cause problems in the future here (aside from transparency ill fix that when I start growing things)?
  12. n4alpaca

    Seed exchange?

    Is seed exchange allowed on this forum?
  13. n4alpaca

    NFT hydro

    How do I put my seedlings into nft system? also what should seedlings be grown in?
  14. n4alpaca

    Flowering/Harvest time?

    What does it mean when the tendrils that are coming out of the bud start to turn brown?
  15. n4alpaca

    !URGENT! Leaf problem

    Blackjack strain 4-5 weeks into flowering on 10/14 watering using Alaska bloom in perlite/vermiculite. What is happening and how do I fix it? all of my leaves look like this.
  16. n4alpaca

    Brown spots followed by leaf death

    My blackjack plants were planted back in mid may and have been fine up until now. Ive been watering them with hose water. Recently small brown spots have been forming on a few leaves and some of these leaves have been turning yellow, brown and then they have been falling off. Also last night a...
  17. n4alpaca


    I'm growing 2 black jacks under a 250W hps light. One is in soil(green plastic pot) and one is in perlite/vermiculite (clay pot). I feed them miracle grow tomato (18-18-21 plant food probably about every 2 or 3 days. My plants are about 4 weeks old, and I am keep thinking that they have some Cu...
  18. n4alpaca

    Stunted Seedling Growth?

    This is my first grow (indoors with a 250 W hps on a 18/6 schedule) and I'm using a combination of vermiculite/perlite for my 2 seedlings, but I have seen no change in their growth over the past 2 or 3 days and it worries me. I put the seedlings straight into the main pot after I germinated...
  19. n4alpaca

    Best hps brand

    I am going to start my first grow soon and I have most of the details figured out, but lighting seems to be disputed over so, In your opinion, which brand of hps have you seen the best growth with and is one 250W hps enough for one 55-65cm plant?