Search results

  1. sworth

    Arthritis and Topical oil?

    I have a friend who's developing arthritis, so I was thinking of donating my trim oil, mixing it up with some coconut oil, for her to apply direct on to her knuckles etc. Some advice on it's efficacy (Oo! Nice word!) and the oil to coconut ratio who be splendiferous (Oo! Another one!) Was also...
  2. sworth

    At least you get to vote...

    We got a new prime-minister a few months back. Number of UK citizens who voted for her- 0 (zero) :cuss: Just like our unelected head of state :cuss: Don't know where I was going with this...just sayin' (lamenting?) I guess...
  3. sworth

    Gnat Off!???

    What is the situation with this stuff? Seems to be out of stock it banned or something?
  4. sworth

    Sprouted Hemp Seed Tea?

    Hemp seed. This has to be the most effective for spouted seed tea surely? I bought a couple of pounds of hemp seed on FeeBay,, so I just put a cup on to soak... Any thoughts? (Are hemp seeds even legal to buy in the states? :confused: I got mine from a fishing store )
  5. sworth

    Stoner Cavepeoples?...

    Apparently getting high predates alcohol by 3000 years... Stone age jokes begin;
  6. sworth

    Biochar F**k up?

    I just happened to read someone the other day saying how their parents used biochar back in the day. They'd mix un-inoculated biochar (well I guess that'd be charcoal then?) in to the soil and watch the nutrients get sucked out of the weeds. A couple of years later and the "biochar" was good and...
  7. sworth

    Great Panel talk and Q & A on Organic Cannabis Growng

    Anyone seen this? One of the best on YouTube imo...Jorge Cervantes, Jeffrey Lowenfels, (author of "Teaming With Microbes") on the panel... Some good points...(See Lowenfel's face when Jorge mentions chicken shit :) )
  8. sworth

    Martian soil?!

    Those pesky Dutch will grow in anything! I wonder if they flushed...
  9. sworth


    I've seen a few videos on YouTube, read a few threads about chloramine (as opposed to chlorine) not being harmful to the soil web. It all seems to be debatable at the moment so I've always added "aquasafe" to my water to neutralize it. Which is a pain in the arse/ass to be honest..and does not...
  10. sworth

    Ecothrive Charge...

    Anyone used this? 100% insect frass...any point to adding this to my soil if I'm already using home worm compost?
  11. sworth

    America's guns and the Euro View point?....

    We hear very little this side of the Atlantic ocean about US gun law, or, indeed, US gun culture (yep; that's how it is portrayed in the media over here)..maybe a "nutter shoots colleagues" kind of thing at the end of the TV news.... We understand the point of armed revolution against an...
  12. sworth


    From now on I'm going to try and get this right; it's "Leaves" not "Leafs" Nearly half a century on this planet and it took me this long to nail it :wall::clap:
  13. sworth

    What the Actual?!...

    I've never seen this before. Strips of necrosis running across my fan leafs, only here and there, and on 2/8 plants, but slowly increasing, and seems to be concentrated where the oscillating fan has the most effect. All the other plants are fine, all growing in my regular organic soil mix...
  14. sworth

    Howard Marks...R.I.P.

    Bummer....the legendary smuggler and compatriot passed away last night :(
  15. sworth

    Chrysanthemum Flower Tea...

    "...These flowers hold a powerful plant chemical component called pyrethrum. This substance invades the nervous system of insects rendering them immobile. You can make your own spray by boiling 100 grams of dried flowers into 1 liter of water. Boil dried flowers in water for twenty minutes...
  16. sworth

    UK Tap Water and Chlorine/Chloramine...

    Just been trying to find out whether chlorine or chloramine is in my local tap water (it's chloramine :wall:) Unlike chlorine, chloramine doesn't evaporate so bubbling or leaving out achieves nothing. Anyway, the last time I tried to find out the water company was extremely cagey (freedom of...
  17. sworth

    Water Cure Waste...

    Pics over a six day water cure...2 oz in 2 pints of water changed daily. For shits and kicks really...o_O
  18. sworth

    Incredible Bulk....

    Flipping heck! This lives up to it's name. 6 1/2 oz from one plant in a 15 gallon organic soil.... I can't really report too much on how she grew out because I thought she was a White Widow x Big Bud. Which I grow a lot. So, like WW x BB, she does a steady grow, gets a bit hungry. I grew out...
  19. sworth

    Aloe Vera care...

    I've been buying Aloe Vera from the health food shop, figured I ought to get myself an actual plant. Any pointers on looking after them? I put one in my grow tent once, but it didn't seem to like that... strange; since the giant ones I saw in Spain seem to be liking the sun....:confused:
  20. sworth


    Is it just me or is there anyone else who doesn't participate in Christmas for personal moral reasoning ?