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  1. Nibarlan

    Best Strain for 2 foot vertical grow space

    I the box I'm building can only be up to about 26 inches, I have been looking at posts and the general consensus is lowryder, but I also gather they smoke like crap. I've been considering Speed Demon and doing a bit of lst to offset any potential overgrowth. Thoughts?
  2. Nibarlan

    Hey....Group Hug Guys

    I'll start off by saying I don't post alot because it seems any questions/answers have already been posted and answered. I've always loved gardening and am good at it(it's genetic apparently). Since getting the notion to grow Cannabis and some how finding this site(I don't even remember how I...
  3. Nibarlan

    Seedlings look Sad and droopy(pics included)

    Exactly what the title says, I'm afraid they may have been over watered. Any thoughts? I'm starting to fear one of them may be too far gone....
  4. Nibarlan

    Ground up bagseed is apparently a fighter

    I posted this curiosity in the general discussion so I'll start from the beginning. I've never grown before so I've been researching for several weeks now. In the mean time I was at a friends house and she was smoking. She started to pick out seeds and just said "fk it" and just started...
  5. Nibarlan

    PoS Bagseed apparently lives

    I've never grown before so I've been researching for several weeks now. In the mean time I was at a friends house and she was smoking. She started to pick out seeds and just said "fk it" and just started grinding. Then it was one of those slowmotion movie moments and I was all...
  6. Nibarlan

    Excellent Lighting Resource For those confused about Lighting

    I found this site by accident, but it was absolutely fantastic and thought I must share, I'm posting it here, but if you want to got to the actual site it's and has more than just lights, but to me that and soil are the most confusing. Hope it helps...
  7. Nibarlan

    Box size and Growing Other plants with your plants

    A couple questions if anyone could help out that would be so awesome! I'm going to build a grow box for in my room, now the place I want to put it could in all honesty hold a 2x2x8 but that would be really freaking obvious. It'll probably end up being 2x2x2, my first question is 1. Would 2...
  8. Nibarlan

    First post, first grow, first....erm everything

    Thought I'd post this from a COMPLETE newbie stand point. I am starting completely from scratch. No seeds, equipment, nothing. I live in the south east US and have considered outdoor growing but I like the control that indoor would give. As far as seeds go I was thinking of going with Afghan...