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  1. Buckethead

    Help! Transplanted outdoors and plants are not liking it.

    Transplanted my babes outside. It was a little drastic to do in the weather around here. I was meaning to transplant in May. Anyways, all my newly transplanted plants are all drooping and fallen over. Some are crispy.. I am guessing all the rain has made them droop including the full day sun...
  2. Buckethead

    Questions for next season (spring) experienced growers only please!

    Hey, does anyone have any tips on going against bud rot/grey mold/botrytis? Last year I had some fat indica buds molded on me due to being so fat and with rain/humidity. I will mostly likely use a prevenative spray or solution to combat against this but I am wondering if anyone has had...
  3. Buckethead

    Indoor lighting prior to full outdoor sunlight question? + Pics

    This prior season I had clones and beefed them up inside so that they would gain more roots and strength for the outdoors. A few weeks after planting outdoors I had to evacuate the spot and move them back inside due to skunks digging them up. Long story short at least one of my clones went into...
  4. Buckethead

    How can I defeat Budrot/Botrytis for next years outdoor season?

    This just ending season I was hit with some unexpecting bud rot. Was totally a buzzkill. At least I still got more than half of my crop saved but next year I'd rather see less of it or none at all. What steps can I take to prevent bud rot outside. Obviously humidity is not controlable. Is there...
  5. Buckethead

    HEMPSTAR! Almost done or what? Advice anyone?

    Hempstar! How long do you think I have left? I am thinking 2-3 weeks but I am wondering what others are thinking? Also I dont have a scope and cant tell if the trichomes are clear, cloud or amber.
  6. Buckethead

    Bud rot what should i do!

    Okay so I found 2 colas with thie whitish brownish web of shit in the middle. I am sure its bud rot or something. I cut those colas down.. what should I do with the rest or treat the rest of the plant. Should I harvest early/?
  7. Buckethead

    Did I get pollinated?

    So I posted a pic of one my buds. And a few people said the I should check for seed. Apparently the pistils are swollen, and indicates that there are seeds inside? Is this true? Do you think I got polinated from a stray plant or it grew bananas and pollinated itself. I hope there isnt seeds and...
  8. Buckethead

    How are my buds? UPDATE

    The first pic is of green crack, and the second is hempstar? How long do you think till harvest for each one? Hemp star obviously started a little late and is starting to show more and more crystals. So how much left do you think I have? Any tips on how I should do before or around...
  9. Buckethead

    Bud pics - When should they be ready?

    Hey, I am looking for some advice from experienced growers. I am using a bud booster and I feed them around twice a week. They are in the ground. When should I start flushing them before I harvest? And how should I flush them and prepare for the harvest? Also, in how many weeks do you think I...
  10. Buckethead

    1st grow - How are my buds?

  11. Buckethead

    HELP! Plant hoppers and possibly leaf hoppers! What do I do?

    Hey guys, recently I have noticed these bugs on my ladies.. The plant hopper looks like this And the leaf hopper looks like this but is completely a dark brown when I have...
  12. Buckethead

    Yellow spots on leaves

    Hey guys, I have a few outdoor ladies and I noticed during the last few weeks a few of the bottom leaves were yellowing to a dry crisp. I think that's normal but over the last few weeks since flowering started the leaves have gotten yellow spots on them that have gotten bigger. I am guessing...
  13. Buckethead

    Need tips for outdoor green crack and hemp star clones

    Does anyone have any experience with growing these strains outdoors? Any advice is appreciated.
  14. Buckethead

    New transplanted clones dug up a day later (Not a great way to start the season..)

    So I am wondering if anyone has had this experience before? Some animal digging up the holes, not going for the plant. I checked my babies a day later and more than half were dug up. I need to get some chicken wire. Does anyone know what kinds of animal it probably is?
  15. Buckethead

    Help with transplanting clone to outside

    I am wondering if clones will go into flowering if transplanted outside soon due to less light they are used to and also if they can reveg? Will somewhat cold weather be a problem. Nothing below freezing. And If anyone has any tips for dealing with wild animals and bugs. Thanks.