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  1. andrew.ferg

    Looking into SOG

    Okay...been growing almost a year...have one straight up regular crop and 2 12/12 from seed crops under the belt. I've been rocking a 400W MH/HPS switchable, but haven't used the HPS for the 12/12 grows. Anyway, been looking to increase production and based on what I have read and how much...
  2. andrew.ferg

    Any Strains Fit This description?

    Okay, first grow just finished. All is well, however, I did have an issue with room, as I only have a 4x4 space to use. I am wondering what a good strain might be that grows more up than out and bushy. I'm sure I'll get an "anything sativa" response, but I've only got about 4.5 feet of vertical...
  3. andrew.ferg

    My 2nd grow...Looking for some pointers for improvement

    Afternoon all....I am in the midst of harvesting my first grow, which I am not disappointed with, as there were minimal problems that occurred. I am simply trying to increase harvest. Now, a little background. I'm working a 400W switchable lamp in a 4x4 secret jardin. I ended up with 7 plants, 1...
  4. andrew.ferg

    What is going on with my plants? Thrips?

    So...can anyone tell me what is causing this crap...these spots and lesions and curling of my leaves. Occasionally there are spots that look like water dripped onto the leaves. But just one or two per plant. Smells wierd. So it's not water. Please if anyone knows what is going on, let me know...
  5. andrew.ferg

    Budget fan Timer

    Ferg here with yet another question, this time pertaining to equipment. If you are married, you know money isn't easy to come by, especially if you're young, in college, and awaiting to start a career, so my high speed climate controller has to wait until everything is caught up from this move...
  6. andrew.ferg

    Inducing Flowering

    Okay, so I've read and researched and read and researched. I'm hoping that I'll be able to feel out when I need to induce my's some background. They are currently 8-8.5 inches tall...grown from seed under a 400W MH right now. Everything is nice and healthy, have had no issues...
  7. andrew.ferg

    Hydroponic systems

    So, my 1st grow is coming along splendidly. Still waiting on them to show sex before I induce my 12/12 photoperiod...shouldn't be more than a couple weeks now. Anyway, if nobody has read my thread, I'm rocking a soil grow. Very pleased with progress so far. I'm not getting into any cloning...
  8. andrew.ferg

    Finally Started

    What's shaking everyone? Finally subscribed to a forum. I noticed myself using this one more than the others, so I figured I'd sign up and let everyone know how things are going. I must say, I am very excited to correspond, as this has been a secret for a couple of years. Only my wife knows...