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  1. D

    my last grow question

    ok so im gonna ue 20-5-5 for my veg and 15-5-5 or something for flowering suggestions? i was also wondering if i should get the liquid kind or water souable and how much water to Fertilizer do i use thanks
  2. D

    im stuck

    a quick question i just got 400w hps light and some people are also telling me i need cool white lighht like mh so i was wondering wht you thought i was also wondering if yuou think i need any thing else im growing in a closet with some type of soil any suggestions
  3. D

    what now

    i just got a 400w hps grow light and im not sure what to do now do i need any special dirt of anything is there anything i need to do to the seeds wat size pots should i use. thanks for all the help
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    Wanting 400w hps Grow Lamp Please Respond

    hi im looking for a 400w grow light but im not ready to pay the 100+ dollars for it im a noob so please dont rip me off
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    1 ounce

    hi i was wondering the avreage price an ounce would cost in sterling hights michigan any help would be appreciated.
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    What kind is it

    hi i was wondering what kind of pot i have i think its chronic but im not sure it light green in little nuggets bout the zize of penny there isnt any seeds i think ther might be one stem and its got a strong stinky smell if anyone could help me ot it would be much appreciated
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    quick question

    you can get about 10g for about 50 bucks right allso about how many good sized joints could u roll with that:confused:
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    Another price question

    sorry if im bugging you guys but i was wondering about how much you could expect to get with 20 to 30 dollers and how many joints i could roll i have never bought pot i just smoke with friends
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    How Much Is It?

    hi i was wondering how many grams were i each incrimite such as nickel bag, dime bag, quater, twenty sack and so on also id like to know the prices
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    How much

    hi i was wondering how many grams were in each weed incrimite such as dime bag, nickel bag ,twenty sack and so on also i was wondering the prices
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    hydro vs soil with hydro additive

    in your opinion should i use a hydro system or soil i was also wondering could you give soil hydro additive thanks for the help:peace:
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    hydro vs soil with hydro additive

  13. D

    what seeds do i have?

    What seeds have a pale greenbase with small white strips that look like tiger strips the seed itself is size of de-shelled sunflower seed:joint:
  14. D

    What Seeds?

    What seeds have a pale greenbase with small white strips that look like tiger strips :joint: