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  1. gillis.222

    Do these seedling look off

    So i recently had a mild white mildew problem out doors. I am starting moms for indoors and i wasnt sure if these seedling look off. Opinions? Heres some shots and shots under my loop.
  2. gillis.222

    New to outdoor.

    So i put these out a month or two ago the bushiest one was a mother (single plant in photo) Should i be trimming these?
  3. gillis.222

    Thoughts? [HELP!]

    So here are 2 clones i decided to keep inside and do a scrog. I don't know if i am over watering or under watering or what. I put about 2l of water in each 5gal smart pot in past week. they sort of perked up after watering. I am using Pro-mix BX for soil with a few handfuls of per lite mixed...
  4. gillis.222

    HELP! Whats happening to my plant?

    Temps 29-32c Lights 2x MARS HYDRO 1000W TS Tent. 2x4x5 Fans Recently upgraded fans yesterday getting temps 27-29C and have low negative pressure I did have thrips but I've managed to take care of them with a bit of dish soap 1% water solution and yellow stickies
  5. gillis.222

    Help, Leafs turning yellow and getting brittle.

    Using a "1000w" equivilant LED light 24inches above plants ina 2x2 soil: miracle grow moisture control potting mix Strain W.W. by crop king They seem to get worse with watering but dont seem to improve 24 hours without water?