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  1. D

    Can it be saved?

    Hi guys, I've been growing this little one from seed since October, there were ups and downs, but this is so far the biggest obstacle. It's quite small, and the leaves are dying. It's under full spectrum 600W, 17/7, growing in coco. Temperatures vary depending on outside temp, but at the...
  2. D

    Plants may be too big. I need advice.

    Hello guys, i have started 2 plants from seed about 3 months ago, maybe 4, and have grown them under a 16-24h light per day (varying). Although they grew really slow in my opinion ( 31in (80cm) and 33in (85 cm) ), i read some threads saying that in flowering phase, the plants will double, if not...
  3. D

    Leaf tops dry, some leaves burnt on sides, and lower leaves yellow and drop. Please help.

    Two plants of different strain, grown together under a 600w mh lamp, sprouted from seeds about 70 days ago, and in spite of what i consider long time growing they reached about 50 cm (19.5 in) each. They are on almost 24h lighting, because sometimes i give them couple of hours of rest in the...
  4. D

    Autoflowering and reguar plant growing together timing question.

    Hello, first thanks for helping me save these two plants, which i had problems few weeks ago. Now they are looking good except for the algae on the rockwool one, but i have a question regarding the timing. Plant on the right is noticeably bigger, and it is autoflowering one. The one on the left...
  5. D

    Salvia Divinorum stunted growth

    Hey guys, my two remaining Salvia plants have been growing poorly, since i received the cuttings. New leaves hardly appear, and develop slow, and the older ones are getting yellow and dry eventually. As i poke the plant i can feel that the roots have not developed good yet. It has passed 5...
  6. D

    leaves get dry and down, and green algae present

    Hi people, i just started growing, and there is maybe some problems with the plants. 1. problem: The plant is about 3 weeks old, and first i missed to water it for a day, and the medium dried and plant wilted. I watered it, and within a day, tha plant looked fresh and vigorous. However, a day...