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    Reverse a hermie

    Is there any way to reverse early signs of hermieing in a dft system?
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    spider mites... i kno

    So i know there are a million threads on this but i just want to explain my particular situation. I have DFT system with 2 resis attached together with quite a few girls.. So last night I was about to leave and saw a leaf with some spots on the top. looked at the spots they werent bugs. but...
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    Broken Pump?

    The pump I use to empty my resis just stopped working the other night when I was doing a change. I dont know how to post pictures on here (embarrasing) but its a regular black kind that has two hose connectors (in & out). Anybody have this problem before? What kind of shop do you think I should...
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    Posting Pictures

    hey this is pretty dumb but i dont know how to post pics on here. for example if I have a picture on my comp named 058.jpg when I put that in to the brackets of picture sharing it doesnt work. Can anyone help out a computer challenged person?
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    Please help with ROOT ROT

    Im in a N.F.T. hydro system. Everything was going great, was just about to flower and then I got root aphids. I took them out with Bayer and now am trying to get the girls to recover but they have root rot. I am giving them Revive and Zone with their nutes to try to help. Any advice on what I...
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    Good Growing Book

    Can anyone recommend a good Growing Book to read? I am newb and already in the middle of an expensive venture with an experienced friend. He tells me what to do mostly but I need to have a better understanding myself of what the plants go through We are doing aero thanks for anyone who lends...
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    Bayer Tree and Shrub Ebb and Flow

    Hello, Im hoping someone can help me out. I have to take care of some root aphids and was wondering if anyone knows how to apply the Bayer tree and Shrub in an Ebb and Flow aero set up. I am doing aero for the first time. The label only has soil directions. Has anyone done this before? I have...
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    root aphids in AeroPonics

    girls are only 2 weeks old. I noticed 1 single green aphid on one of the tiniest plants. i read how you treat them systematically with bayer. also azatrol and nematodes. but i was wondering, because I am so early in and havent noticed any but that 1 aphid what is the best route to go?
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    late flower PM

    To start off I am using a drip system in rockwool and croutons. Im growing 18 girls on a 4x8 tray under 2 600s. They are in their 7th week of flower. The environment is controlled as much as possible but humidity ranges from 50-70. Temp is around 70 at night and 77-80 during light. This is my...
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    Alternative methods

    Im going on a 2 day trip with my family, Im looking for a way that I can medicate a little bit while im there without smoking. I have heard about tincture but never done it. If anyone has experience with tincture or have an idea for me thatd be cool thanxx
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    Quick Question Folks

    I have always been told to get your grow room as cold as possible,, 70 degrees ideally. I have recently heard from a smart guy that a 15 degree drop from night to day is ideal. This is the first I have heard of this and would like to know what other experienced growers know about that. I am...
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    Algae on top of rockwool

    I was wondering if algae on rockwool in a hydro drip system is bad for the plant. The girls are in coco plugs surrounded by rockwool and the algae makes the rockwool green on top. Any help I appreciates :roll:
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    Root Aphids vs Me

    botanicare or bayer tree and shrub