Search results

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    Signs of sex in veg

    Ive heard of plants showing sex in veg....i was just wondering how long they have to be in veg for this to happen...all answers are appreciated.
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    4000 watt ballast??

    Ive been looking at lights lately cuz im planning to upgrade when i move( soon hopefully)....but ive seen 4k watt bulbs on a few sites but never any ballasts so i was just wondering if anyone knew about them or has used them? Possibly?
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    Kiddie Pool Ebb&Flow

    im just brain storming here.....dont know much about hydro....thought this would be cool for like a SOG hydro setup. I wanna start up a grow just messing around with ideas now. but for a pool like this...
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    Is this a good deal?

    ive been thinking about LEDs for a while I just dont know which ones are good brands or good deals.
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    400w Stealth Grow Cab

    The title pretty much says it this is what I got to work with, so far ive got most of the inside covered in mylar. I just gotta cut holes for the ventilation system which costist of a coupe 4 in desk fans, and there will be another fan inside to keep air moving. wheres the test with the...
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    Grow Cab Prepetual?

    I was wondering if anyone had a good example of this or any idea what it would take for a small pereptual in 1 or 2 cabs. I MI medical caregiving for myself so I can have 12....I wouldnt think id be able run all 12 at one time. But it would be nice to harvest 1 or 2 plants every 2 or 3 weeks...
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    MI Outdoor

    Hey guys, new to the forums and relatively new to growing. Been checking out a lot of the outdoor journals and though that I'd post on of my own. I only have 1 girl out there as of now...I will post some pics as soon as I figure out to post the from my phone...anyone that can help with, it'd be...