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  1. ActionHanks

    Ohio Legalization (With a catch) So if you guys havent caught wind of this yet, Ohio is considering a ballot inititive that would make recreational pot legal..... with a few auxillery conditons of course! What the state is currently planning (behind...
  2. ActionHanks

    Jordan of the Islands

    This guy has been around for a minute now, but I'm having some google troubles. Anyone have experience, recent or notso recent with any of his work? I basically associate Jordan with GodBud, but his latest pricings just seem toooo good to be true, and thats coming from a certified cheapass.
  3. ActionHanks

    C02 Injection Directly Into Water

    Has anyone ever done it? I dont know about most people, but my last few DWC attempts have failed due to ph shifts being too rapid for me to keep up with. My ph always swings upwards, never down, and since I've actually learned some useful things in geochemistry this semester I figured I might...
  4. ActionHanks

    Vert Bulb Distances

    I see alot of people running bare CMH and HPS's in their vert set ups. I understand that a cool tube would be the way to go, but how are some of these guys getting away with bare bulbs inches from plants? Rediculous cab airflow? Low ambient indoor temperatures? Lemme in on the secret, I'm...
  5. ActionHanks

    Action's 180w 12-12 RubberMaid Round 2

    Just finishing smoking harvest from last round. Sorry I didnt upload pics, heat got a little out of control. Didnt kill my lady, but boy was she ugly. Got 24g dried though, so not too bad. It is however time for round 2. Same set up, but with a better operator :P Since I've learned from my...
  6. ActionHanks

    Action's 180w 12-12 From Seed RubberMaid

    Sup. Single 34 gallon rubber maid, dimensions are 2.5ft H, 1.2 L, 1.4 W. About 3.3 square feet? I dont really know. 6 in 125cfm axial fan exhaust top left side of the box (its vertically up) exhaust holes all along the bottom and a large cut from the bottom right of the box to drag cool air...