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  1. Kricket

    How do you connect your lights to a ballast?

    ^ I bought a 1000w switchable ballast and 1000w mh and hps bulbs. but there is no socket on the ballast?
  2. Kricket

    Black rolling papers?

    I've been looking all over the net for 'em and I can't seem to find any products with pictures of the actual papers. I want a black colored rolling paper more than anything (except maybe a big bag of bud.) Anyone know what brands are marketing black colored papers? Or are all of the brands out...
  3. Kricket

    My dilemma.

    Today I loaded a prepaid Visa money card to purchase everything I'd need related to marijuana. This includes in stores and online. Now, I find myself with just enough money left for either seeds or lights. So, here's the question: Do I buy lights and grow shitty bag seeds until I get done with...
  4. Kricket

    Read This (Or Not)

    Hello, everyone. I'm Kricket from New York. After extensive reading on many forums, I've decided I'd like to join this one. Everyone seems fair, experienced, and always ready to offer advice. I like that, and I hope that this community will accept me. I'm a fairly new smoker, but I've loved...