Search results

  1. Marlboro47

    difference between 24light and 18light 6dark

    Fungus. Fungus grows in the dark... Plants with 24 hours of light wont have fungus but may have more bugs that like the light.
  2. Marlboro47

    Some wierd stuff to kill bugs Got this from rite aid, and that shit smells BOMB. Safe around children and pets, non toxic plant based biodegradable. Kills dust mites, and bed bugs, and their eggs by contact. Ehhh since Im taking a break from weed and pretending...
  3. Marlboro47

    american spirits... yellow pack.

    Better then Marlboros...
  4. Marlboro47

    wtf is going on bros?

    YouTube my email... some great politics there...
  5. Marlboro47

    Smoking uncured weed?

    I used to grow for a while and I used to smoke unmature and uncured buds. Well I found a pipe that I used mainly for that and I scraped the resin out of it like 9months later. I ended up getting the nastiest heartburn of my life, its been close to a year since I smoked that resin. Ever since...
  6. Marlboro47

    Vote for me for president!;)

    My name is Daniel Isaac Valenzuela! FREE MARC EMERY!!!!! FREE ALL THOSE WHO WANT TO BE FREE!
  7. Marlboro47

    Slow Computer? Download Autoruns v11.1 This update to Autoruns adds several new autostart locations, reports the active filter in the status bar, and highlights unsigned images and those with no company name or description to make them easy to spot. Run both...
  8. Marlboro47

    To those who are newbies to medical marijuana. <Link Please understand it all.
  9. Marlboro47

    TO all new and old marijuana Users. Google this for ALOT of marijuana information "Make sure to cure everything which we all want a cure to. Those who study marijuana publish all your studies. ;) Make sure those in jail who ask for weed as medication get their medication;). Do not...
  10. Marlboro47

    Smoke out anyone?? posting some pics of what im smoking. its some LA bubba watch vid ;)
  11. Marlboro47

    Video smoke out

    Just introducing myself on video to riu and if anyone down to smoke check out this link.
  12. Marlboro47

    Black sabbath and a smoke out?

    Hey whats up everyone, just made a video; upload complete. Want to smoke out man? Black sabbath paranoid- :peace:bongsmilie;-):leaf: Medical marijuana, smoke responsibly.
  13. Marlboro47

    Johnny Cash bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
  14. Marlboro47

    Uploading Picture Error

    I've tried to upload again and I can't. After clicking upload it seems to work, but never finishes loading.
  15. Marlboro47

    When everything is perfect, the end:

    I want you guys to click the post... No preview. If you don't wanna click it because I won't let you preview it then, then just leave. This is when everything is perfect. When the evil ends. when there is no worries no fears. No nothing. After death, for eternity. There will be a countdown...
  16. Marlboro47

    Buying seeds from the attitude? Special Promo valid through september2-sept5 (2011)

    Figured I would share this with you guys since I already got my seeds. Hope it helps. Click Here for the good pictures and other links: View it in your browser. THE ATTITUDE SEEDBANK SEPTEMBER NEWSLETTER Promo starts from 9am, 2nd September to 5th September 2011 4pm (uk gmt) Promotion...
  17. Marlboro47

    Vote for my new strain

    Hey whats up everyone, I wanted to make seeds and I was wondering what you guys would do to breed your seeds. I have a couple of great strains im working with and I wanted to know what the best offsprings would be. Nirvana Northernlights(reg seeds) Sannies Herijuana(reg seeds) Sannies...
  18. Marlboro47

    Best height to scrog and question about changing timer back to 18/6

    I am vegging 6plants right now, I wanted to flip the switch to 12/12 to sex. I might just go 12/12 to harvest if nugs dry up if I switch back to 18/6 or 24/0. Question is: If nugs are 4weeks into a 10week flowering period and I switch back to 18/6 will they dry up? Since im weaving out the males...
  19. Marlboro47

    Butane Extracted vs Bubble Bags vs Alcohol extracted

    Whats up everyone, Just wondering a couple of things, mainly about the different ways to make some good hash. Which one is the most potent and which is the least? Whats one or two ways you could smoke alcohol extracted that you can't smoke full melt(bb hash). I can only think of putting...
  20. Marlboro47

    Trade rep

    I wanted to talk to a couple of glass blowers to buy some pipes, but whos legit? This is to help out noobs who don't know that there are scammers out there. I am requesting a second rep bar specifically for trade rep.