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  1. Rootney88

    New room but cant cut on exterior

    I am setting up a 10 x 10 room but I cant cut in the exterior walls or ceiling. This room is in the basement fully finished, so walls and floor are concrete and the ceiling is the floor of second level. I am able to use the room nextdoor to run the ventilation too and to house the ballasts...
  2. Rootney88

    Do I need an Intake and Exhaust for this setup?

    I have a basement setup going in, its 15 x 17 and 8 ft tall As of right now I have 2 1000w on tracks. nights are 65 and day is 90 I have no exhaust or intake fans in the room. I run a co2 reg on a osc fan. A frind cam over and said I have to run an intake and exhaust...But I was told...
  3. Rootney88

    Strain and Yeald Questions?

    I am curious on what the popular strains are and what are the yeilds. Currently I know of Grape Ape , 9 plants under 1000w getting 1 1/2 lbs per light. 9 weeks with 3 veg Kinda want to look for White Widow White Rhino or others. Im in the NOR CAL Area thanks R
  4. Rootney88

    3 week old clone, has weird leaves

    I dont have any pics but the the plant is really healthy looking besides the fact that all the leave are really wide and only have 3 really big leaves attached. That sounds stupid? About 1 foot tall in 5 gallon pots, lots of new leavees but they all are supper fat with only 3 instead of...
  5. Rootney88

    Bud Blood vs. Open Sesame

    Just wanted to know the differance between AN bud Blood compared to FF Open Sesame. Do they work the same, or is the only thing to Jump start a Nut. with high Numbers. bb is 0-39-25 os is 5-45-19 I see some no name nuts that are 0-50-30 for 1/4 the price. Is that all that is needed to...
  6. Rootney88

    Trimming time, should I buy a cloner?

    I want to trim my 60 grape ape before I switch to 12/12. I was thinking I might as well clone them since I will be cutting off allot of the lower branches. What is the best or prefered methode for masss cloning. Should I buy a ez cloner or just do the good ol rockwool? Also Can I just...
  7. Rootney88

    My new room Keeps 70-80% humidity, What to do?

    I just built a new room under the House, it is 17x13x7, I have an ac but not running it due to the temps up in Nor Cal lately. The lights are 1000w hps air cooled, the only intake is for the lights and it runs straight through and back out. My inlet line is always covered in condensation. With...