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  1. C

    Purchased from Attitude Seedbank. [VIP]

    It says if you purchase from Attitude Seedbank you will receive VIP treatment. "Order Now at Attitude to receive the Rollitup VIP treatment!" Proof:
  2. C

    Question about auto flowering + CFL's

    Ok I have 1 85w Full Spectrum 5500k CFL and 4 2700k CFL's. Can i use these bulbs to grow a auto flowering plant like this: Also one more...
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    Remove this thread please.

    Can a Mod/Staff/Admin remove this thread please. It's for security reason. Thanks you.
  4. C

    Good cheap place for seeds.

    I know there are sites posted on this site in the seeds.php side. But is there a place i could get like 3 fem seeds for like $25?
  5. C

    White spot on leafs.

    Well yea i don't have picture at the moment I'm gonna have to borrow my cousins camera if I'm gonna take a picture and post and that wont be till tomorrow. But i need a diagnosis asap tho. I just found out it is female. Yes it is a bag seed. 1 out of 8 seeds are female so I'm gonna try to take...
  6. C

    Difference Between Regular Feminized and Auto Flowers Feminized Seeds.

    In your opinion. Which one is better. I have school starting September 8th and 8:30 am to 3pm. Gonna be hard to do the 12/12 cycle. You think if i run a Auto Flowering seed it would grow just as good as the Non Auto flowering seeds.
  7. C

    Plant is not normal.

    Well Pictures are a thousand words. What is the problem with my plant? The plant was sick as you can see the plant leaves had died out a bit. But it is recovering. And now this.
  8. C

    Is a my plant male?

    It's been flowering for about 6-8 days now. Here are pictures Just removed the pictures.
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    delete this.
  10. C

    is this good soil to use? I'm planning to buy this right now.
  11. C

    Flowering question.

    So i start school on September 8th from 7am-3pm. Now my flowering cycle is from 1am-1pm. There's the problem. Is there a way i can move the cycle from 1am to 7am and 1pm to 7pm without ruining the 12/12 cycle i already have going on.
  12. C

    Would this light bulb setup be good?

    2 Of These And Pack Of These Would these light bulbs give me a good grow?
  13. C

    Question about flowering.

    Well i began flowering 2 days ago. Well both days i was 5-10 minutes apart from the 12-12 cycle. Will that ruin the cycle and make start over again? Ex: Like i put the plant in the dark. Then 12 hours and 10 minutes later i turned the light bulbs back on.
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    Would these bulbs be good for flowering? I'm like right about to buy it but I need a second opinion. Would these bulbs be good for flowering?
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    This bulb good for flowering?

    Is this bulb good for flowering? If not tell me what i need and how many I need. Money isn't a problem.
  16. C

    Can i flower with this? Technical Details 5500K day light energy balance spiral energy saver light bulb Optimal color temperature makes this bulb perfect for photography These bulbs are highly rated...
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    Is this setup good?

    How close do I put my plant to the light bulb. This is the bulb I'm using.: I just began flowering yesterday. **Removed picture for security reasons.
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    How close (Plant to bulb)

  19. C

    Little help here.

    Well i just bought Jack Classic 20-20-20 and 10-30-20. Well i don't have a gallon of water so i filled a 2 liter bottle of soda with water. Then i put 1/4 of the 20-20-20 in the in the bottle. I shaked well. Then gave my plants some. This was yesterday around 4 pm. I haven't gotten any change...
  20. C

    Is this plant male?

    Bumbed right. There males :(