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    bagseed luv

    Any1 with bagseed stories good or bad, I've heard they hermi more is that myth or fact?

    PH info

    Ok I kno coffee grounds lowers it now wat about eggshells? I'm investing in a little ph. tester tomarrow and I wanna keep my plant as organic as possible, I'm looking for peoples secret little grow habits also I wanna try sum new things wit these 1's

    weed roids!¿!?

    Lookin' 2 have beefy short treez I use molasses, nitro stix and phosphates/cal. Anything else I should use? Sorry this is my second grow using small closet, peat moss and led Xmas lights again they kicked ass last time, any nute ideas or tips welcome. :peace:

    weed roids!¿!?

    Lookin' 2 have beefy short treez I use molasses, nitro stix and phosphates/cal. Anything else I should use? Sorry this is my second grow using small closet, peat moss and led Xmas lights again they kicked ass last time, any nute ideas or tips welcome

    2nd grow

    Jus set up, closet rigged small fan, potting soil 3x3 cups, using Xmas leds again it worked well tha 1st time until the end I added a friends snakes heat lamp lol but it did wonders. I'm looking for tips and advice for beefing up tha plants early on without burnin' em, I use molassas and...